Crimson SpireWorld Census

The Most Scientifically Advanced in Crimson Spire

World Census researchers quantified national scientific advancement by quizzing random citizens about quantum chromodynamics, space-time curvature and stem cell rejuvenation therapies. Responses based on Star Trek were discarded.

As a region, Crimson Spire is ranked 16,408th in the world for Most Scientifically Advanced.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Empire of MakiniusNew York Times Democracy“Veritas semper exeat”
2.The Snarky Space Penguin of TrivalveLeft-Leaning College State“Esto mutationem quam vis videre in mundo”
3.The Dark Realm of SalaamCompulsory Consumerist State“Bailā ni Tyū Le Foi (Dance Through The Fire)”
4.The Historical Kingdom of Makinian NevadaCivil Rights Lovefest“Liberty, Equality, Prosperity”
5.The Republic of UdaljenDemocratic Socialists“Is there a limit?”
6.The Rogue Nation of DSN47Psychotic Dictatorship“Chill Out”
7.The Most Serene Republic of BrabantstaatFather Knows Best State“Fortitude through rectitude”
8.The Blood of NarconolioIron Fist Consumerists“Days like these only ever happen once…”
9.The Republic of Syndicalist Commune of FranceLeft-wing Utopia“Prolétaires de tous les pays, unissez-vous!”
10.The Democratic Republic of KerkopaLiberal Democratic Socialists“Live Free or Die Hard”
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