Crimson SpireWorld Census

The Longest Average Lifespans in Crimson Spire

Nations ranked highly have lower rates of preventable death, with their citizens enjoying longer average lifespans.

As a region, Crimson Spire is ranked 10,511th in the world for Longest Average Lifespans.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Democratic Republic of KerkopaLiberal Democratic Socialists“Live Free or Die Hard”
2.The Snarky Space Penguin of TrivalveLeft-Leaning College State“Esto mutationem quam vis videre in mundo”
3.The Kingdom of Osvia-NapaloreuxInoffensive Centrist Democracy“With promise, we rise.”
4.The Holy Matriarchy of DelmondLeft-wing Utopia“Friendship, NationStates”
5.The Republic of UdaljenDemocratic Socialists“Is there a limit?”
6.The Empire of MakiniusNew York Times Democracy“Veritas semper exeat”
7.The People's Republic of Gweriniaeth Sosialaidd CymruDemocratic Socialists“Dyfal Donc A Dyrr Y Garreg”
8.The Federation of Dutch Socialist StatesLeft-wing Utopia“Vele mensen vervullen grote wensen”
9.The Protectorate of DewaltianIron Fist Consumerists“Blessed Be”
10.The Dominion of DogodPsychotic Dictatorship“Hmmmm...... I wonder.....”
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