Commonwealth of Sovereign StatesWorld Census

The Largest Information Technology Sector in Commonwealth of Sovereign States

World Census staff compiled lists over Smart Phone related traffic accidents to determine which nations have the largest Information Technology industries.

As a region, Commonwealth of Sovereign States is ranked 2,115th in the world for Largest Information Technology Sector.

NationWorldFann-Boi Productivity Index
41.The Greater Republic of Natvia12,393rd27,964.56
42.The Empire of Of the war hammer12,410th27,939.45
43.The Imperial Khaganate of Khanbaliq Mongolia12,532nd27,794.35
44.The Allied States of Krei12,810th27,481.35
45.The Kingdom of Wes Arme13,240th27,017.46
46.The Klingon Bird-of-Prey of KSN3013,520th26,708.38
47.The Incorporated States of New Faldo13,591st26,609.87
48.The Incorporated States of Mercanta13,737th26,452.92
49.The Rijk of Victorious Friesland15,025th25,218.83
50.The Royal Protectorate of Mleocun16,289th24,145.09
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