Commonwealth of Sovereign StatesWorld Census

The Most World Assembly Endorsements in Commonwealth of Sovereign States

World Census staff pored through World Assembly records to determine which nations were the most endorsed by others in their region.

As a region, Commonwealth of Sovereign States is ranked 33rd in the world for Most World Assembly Endorsements.

NationWA CategoryMotto
261.The Free Land of NewJersey725Inoffensive Centrist Democracy“By The People For The People”
262.The United Socialist States of SakotkaPsychotic Dictatorship“Industry Arise, Workers Unite”
263.The Republic of VentarzaCompulsory Consumerist State“Always Progressing”
264.The Queendom of Double Chunk Chocolate CookieInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Boom or Doom”
265.The Incorporated States of ChoiroskylosCorporate Police State“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA”
266.The Theocracy of Taanish Liberation ArmyIron Fist Consumerists“Liberation At all costs.”
267.The Empire of JaebeekaeIron Fist Consumerists“Glory to the Empire! Glory to Us all!”
268.The Federal Republic of Planetary Coalition AuthorityCapitalist Paradise“Cold never bothered me anyways”
269.The Democratic Republic of AltorderesLeft-Leaning College State“Strength Through Freedom”
270.The Republic of Texan ChristiansCompulsory Consumerist State“Onward Christian Soldiers”
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