Commonwealth of Sovereign StatesWorld Census

The Most World Assembly Endorsements in Commonwealth of Sovereign States

World Census staff pored through World Assembly records to determine which nations were the most endorsed by others in their region.

As a region, Commonwealth of Sovereign States is ranked 33rd in the world for Most World Assembly Endorsements.

NationWA CategoryMotto
251.The Republic of OostIndieInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Eendracht Maakt Macht”
252.The United Socialist States of InquiansermootPsychotic Dictatorship“Pride and Industry”
253.The Federation of ZapadoslavijasCorporate Police State“WORK”
254.The Constitutional Monarchy of Provisional goverment of JapanInoffensive Centrist Democracy“New restoration”
255.The Holy Empire of ViltownInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Bravery is the voice of the nation”
256.The Federation of Heaven of AncapsAnarchy“Let the Markets Do Their Thing”
257.The Federal Republic of The United Midwestern reichRight-wing Utopia“Vereint unter Gott”
258.The Rogue Nation of Twilight Sunset Starlight LtdCompulsory Consumerist State“Helping you build a better future”
259.The Dictatorship of The Tro Zimoub IslandsIron Fist Consumerists“The best way for a country is authoritarianism!”
260.The Rogue Nation of National Republic of FrancePsychotic Dictatorship“Farawell”
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