ChristiansWorld Census

The Highest Wealthy Incomes in Christians

The World Census studied the spending power of the richest 10% of citizens in each nation.

As a region, Christians is ranked 6,392nd in the world for Highest Wealthy Incomes.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Eternal Empire of Alexander the MagnusCorporate Police State“The Empire shall Last as Long as the Sun Shines”
2.The Holy Empire of The united american-isreali empireCapitalist Paradise“Fighting the good fight”
3.The Holy Roman Empire of The Arenian RepublicCapitalist Paradise“I would not live here in real life”
4.The Borderlands of QiyaCompulsory Consumerist State“Hi! ^·^”
5.The Apostolic Commonwealth of New LuciannovaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Ad maiorem Dei gloriam”
6.The Federal dictatorship of AURELIANA BRITOIron Fist Consumerists“We fight a eternal war”
7.The Kingdom of AjakorCorporate Bordello“You’re the One that guides my heart”
8.The Bundesreich of CanamnInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Nur Ideen können die Dunkelheit erhellen”
9.The Holy Orthodox Monocracy of MalsthaIron Fist Consumerists“Ο Θεός πάνω από όλα”
10.The Island Kingdom of AmaabjPsychotic Dictatorship“Honor, Virtue, and Power”
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