California Colleges and UniversitiesWorld Census

The Largest Black Market in California Colleges and Universities

World Census agents tracked "off the books" deals and handshake agreements in order to study the size of nations' informal economies.

As a region, California Colleges and Universities is ranked 16,443rd in the world for Largest Black Market.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Armed Republic of Som SikinaPsychotic Dictatorship“Free Palestine”
2.The Rogue Nation of MSN2Iron Fist Consumerists“1977”
3.The Loving Couple of Sk8er-GirlIron Fist Consumerists“Lumity”
4.The University Head of The ChancellorDemocratic Socialists“Universitas Magistrorum Et Scholarium”
5.The Medical University of Western University of Health SciencesScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Educare, Sanare, Coniunctim”
6.The Technical College of South Coast CollegeIron Fist Socialists“Labor Omnia Vincit”
7.The Community College of Santa Monica CollegeLiberal Democratic Socialists“Humanitas • Veritas • Munus”
8.The Community College of Grossmont-CollegeLeft-wing Utopia“Pursuit of Excellence and Continuous Improvement.”
9.The Acupuncture School of Academy of Chinese CultureIron Fist Socialists“Carpe Diem”
10.The University of Mount Saint Marys University Los AngelesLeft-wing Utopia“Deus Illuminatio Mea”
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