Beyond EarthWorld Census

The Largest Black Market in Beyond Earth

World Census agents tracked "off the books" deals and handshake agreements in order to study the size of nations' informal economies.

As a region, Beyond Earth is ranked 7,007th in the world for Largest Black Market.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Martian Confederacy of MarimaiaBenevolent Dictatorship“As one, we raise ourselves higher.”
2.The Federation of CheonghaeNew York Times Democracy“For the Flag of Glory”
3.The Republic of Beyond Earth GamemasterDemocratic Socialists“TBC”
4.The Republic of United Nations of Earth-New York Times Democracy“TBC”
5.The Republic of The WinterstarInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Hail Winterstar! Winterstar Rules The North!”
6.The People's Republic of Tianzhou RepublicAuthoritarian Democracy“True socialism, true China”
7.The Principality of Jovian CoalitionLeft-wing Utopia“Pacta Sunt Servanda”
8.The People's Republic of Tianchao RepublicInoffensive Centrist Democracy“True socialism, true China”