BalderWorld Census

The Most Cultured in Balder

After spending many tedious hours in coffee shops and concert halls, World Census experts have found the following nations to be the most cultured.

As a region, Balder is ranked 5,610th in the world for Most Cultured.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Shining Islands of G C BakuraDemocratic Socialists“It's Time to Draw!”
2.The Forest Realm of WolfhawkScandinavian Liberal Paradise“To Dream the Impossible Dream”
3.The Clans' homes of ArageshInoffensive Centrist Democracy“United we stand, united we win”
4.The Republic of SaltanyasLeft-wing Utopia“Work is Play”
5.The Federation of AelyriaLeft-Leaning College State“Through wisdom, unity, and honor, we create peace.”
6.The Idiocracy of Santa MoutramasScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Trial and Error”
7.The ℱℛᎯℕℂᎾ-ℐᏆᎯℒℐᎯℕ ℰℕᏆℰℕᏆℰ of The Most Freedom EverLeft-wing Utopia“All my homies hate Britain”
8.The United Ecosocialist Communes of DemotekScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Strength by will and rule by compassion”
9.The Sociopathic Democracy of GunoriumCapitalist Paradise“If God exists, he'll have to beg my forgiveness”
10.The Wandering Souls of of AlkovannCivil Rights Lovefest“Be Excellent to Each Other”
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