BalderWorld Census

The Least Corrupt Governments in Balder

World Census agents tempted government officials with financial and other inducements to bend the rules and recorded how often their proposals were declined.

As a region, Balder is ranked 27,343rd in the world for Least Corrupt Governments.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Forest Realm of WolfhawkScandinavian Liberal Paradise“To Dream the Impossible Dream”
2.The United Federation of Libertarian Communist PlanetsLeft-wing Utopia“To Boldly Struggle Where No One Has Struggled Before.”
3.The Republic of SaltanyasLeft-wing Utopia“Work is Play”
4.The Principality of JolteoniaLiberal Democratic Socialists“言えるかな?”
5.The Federation of AelyriaLeft-Leaning College State“Through wisdom, unity, and honor, we create peace.”
6.The Free Land of CoxiaLiberal Democratic Socialists“A herald of the space butterfly order shall rise”
7.The Most Serene Kingdom of MeralaAuthoritarian Democracy“Fortuna Audaces Iuvat”
8.The Commonwealth of Nice-ThingsLiberal Democratic Socialists“This is why we don't have nice things”
9.The Republic of DereisticLeft-wing Utopia“By The People For The People”
10.The United Socialist States of WeaselKneesiaLeft-wing Utopia“We Will Endure”
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