BalderWorld Census

The Highest Food Quality in Balder

Professional food critics dined out at restaurants and popped into home kitchens to judge ingredient quality, creativity, and diversity of food.

As a region, Balder is ranked 4,738th in the world for Highest Food Quality.

NationWA CategoryMotto
31.The United Socialist States of TransendiaDemocratic Socialists“Striving for Greatness”
32.The Rogue Nation of Warpfire 9Civil Rights Lovefest“Bleeding Hearts Are Best”
33.The Sinha Republic of WoofworfInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Para sa ating bansang leon”
34.The Largely Ungoverned Territory of OneiroLiberal Democratic Socialists“Posession is imprisonment.”
35.The Pretitle of Spiritual Lyrical Individual MiraclesScandinavian Liberal Paradise“National Motto”
36.The Imperial Commonwealth of MakkathranDemocratic Socialists“Ever Onward”
37.The Democratic Republic of ClintdoneCivil Rights Lovefest“Nous sommes plus forts, ensemble”
38.The Principality of TyrassuebScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Tempora Mutantur”
39.The Empire of GaniaxFather Knows Best State“Them's fightin' words.”
40.The Democratic States of ZombodiceInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Discover the balance in everything.”
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