BalderWorld Census

The Highest Food Quality in Balder

Professional food critics dined out at restaurants and popped into home kitchens to judge ingredient quality, creativity, and diversity of food.

As a region, Balder is ranked 4,765th in the world for Highest Food Quality.

NationWA CategoryMotto
11.The Anarchist communes of GreenarchiaCivil Rights Lovefest“Solidarity & Autonomy”
12.The Wandering Souls of of AlkovannCivil Rights Lovefest“Be Excellent to Each Other”
13.The People's Syndicalist Commune of LacoviaDemocratic Socialists“Without Marxist Thought, There can be no real change!”
14.The Violet Duchy of EmerieLeft-wing Utopia“Not all those who wander are lost.”
15.The Principality of JolteoniaLiberal Democratic Socialists“言えるかな?”
16.The Democratic Island Federation of Frieden-und FreudenlandLeft-wing Utopia“United for Peace and Joy”
17.The Republic of The MisconceptionLiberal Democratic Socialists“Barba non facit philosophum”
18.The Imperial Republic of TomzillaScandinavian Liberal Paradise“For the Night is Dark and Full of Terrors”
19.The Renegade Republic of KlarenceInoffensive Centrist Democracy“From our beliefs comes our hopes and dreams.”
20.The Most Serene Kingdom of MeralaAuthoritarian Democracy“Fortuna Audaces Iuvat”
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