BalderWorld Census

The Rudest Citizens in Balder

World Census experts telephoned citizens from all nations at just before dinner time, in a study to determine which populations were most brash, rude, or brusque.

As a region, Balder is ranked 16,979th in the world for Rudest Citizens.

NationWA CategoryMotto
21.The Confederacy of RedefCapitalist Paradise“money makes the world go round”
22.The Protectorate of Celino and BarnesCapitalist Paradise“Celino and Barnes, injury attorneys, 800-888-8888”
23.The Kingdom of KraytviaCapitalist Paradise“Unum Diatarch,una fraternitas,unum imperium!”
24.The Goddess Pantheon of Aphrodite XLNew York Times Democracy“The Warrior Goddess of Love”
25.The Whatever of WehateyouallCapitalist Paradise“Mind your business”
26.The Confederacy of RopshireAnarchy“Creators, traders, cricketers”
27.The Crowned Republican Estates of ReimuriaCapitalizt“Belive! The Mind - Beacon of Mankind”
28.The Most Serene Republic of Gran ScotiaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Oderint Dum Metuant”
29.The United States of Hard Rock N RollCapitalizt“Long Live The American Dream”
30.The Wandering Souls of of AlkovannCivil Rights Lovefest“Be Excellent to Each Other”
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