Artificial Solar SystemWorld Census

The Largest Pizza Delivery Sector in Artificial Solar System

World Census staff spent many nights answering the front door in order to measure which nations have the biggest Pizza Delivery industries.

As a region, Artificial Solar System is ranked 13,856th in the world for Largest Pizza Delivery Sector.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Principality of The Fluffy Prince of Fur-AirAnarchy“Eshia!”
2.The Eshia of BirizkahrruiAnarchy“Strength Through Freedom”
3.The Kingdom of Baka MitaiAnarchy“Dame dane...”
4.The Minor League Baseball Team of The Prince William PiratesCivil Rights Lovefest“I give you a gift and you’re showing up my pitcher?”
5.The Republic of Elusinian MysteriesAnarchy“Paradeus”
6.The Republic of Concrete slab is jesus 59Iron Fist Consumerists“Concrete slab is literally jesus”
7.The Holy Empire of The Skyline CovenantMoralistic Democracy“From Many, One”
8.The Tournament Report Cohost of Karsten RhodesAnarchy“Eshialand's number 1 sidekick”
9.The Kingdom of A Roblox Clan Armed with a ThesaurusAnarchy“GP is pretty fun lately”
10.The Bird Pokemon of Defending PidgeottoMoralistic Democracy“#0017”
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