ArcticaWorld Census

The Largest Agricultural Sector in Arctica

World Census bean-counters on horseback guided herds of cattle to slaughter in order to determine which nations have the largest agricultural sectors.

As a region, Arctica is ranked 7,546th in the world for Largest Agricultural Sector.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Union of the Kingdoms of OdonLiberal Democratic Socialists“From the Beaches to the Mountains, Our Country Sparkens”
2.The Federative Republic of ZymletovkiaNew York Times Democracy“The flag raised upon us shall never fall to the enemies”
3.The Kingdom of Old LusitaniaCapitalist Paradise“Lusitania has not yet perished!”
4.The Confederate technocracy of Great United ColumbiaDemocratic Socialists“Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down”
5.The Protectorate of VerdanbrautiaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Divided by Region, United by The Beacon.”
6.The United Federation of GraviaDemocratic Socialists“Respect tradition, embrace change”
7.The Sixth Republic of ZapolvaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“THE GOLDEN AGE IS HERE”
8.The Federal Imperial Order of The Bladeist Association of BrazilInoffensive Centrist Democracy“i created a superpower just so we can win the world cup”
9.The Baikalian confederation of Buryatia and ZabaykalskyDemocratic Socialists“Till the last breath, we will figth”
10.The Reign of Nueva ConcepcionIron Fist Consumerists“Si Dios esta con nosotros, ¿Quien esta contra nosotros?”