AfricaWorld Census

The Most Pro-Market in Africa

This data was compiled by surveying a random sample of businesses with the question, "Do you believe the government is committed to free market policies?"

As a region, Africa is ranked 21,888th in the world for Most Pro-Market.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Empire of RalgeriaRAnarchy“We Will Endure”
2.The Zulu Queendom of Queen SilomoAnarchy“Ngizokushaya Wena”
3.The Most Serene Republic of Great GuianaCorporate Bordello“Bless the rivers for they are the veins of life.”
4.The Kingdom of Vinland-RikiCapitalist Paradise“Motto...”
5.The Confederacy of EdgetownCapitalist Paradise“ARE YOU RECORDING BRO”
6.The Alien Sultanate of SerandumCapitalist Paradise“Wealth and Power”
7.The Republic of Aryazan XenAnarchy“Unity, Discipline, Work”
8.The Russian State of The Colony of SagalloBenevolent Dictatorship“For Service, Honor, and Glory”
9.The Commonwealth of ZidalCapitalist Paradise“By The People For The People”
10.The Empire of SEPHORA123Corporate Police State“We Will Endure”
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