AfricaWorld Census

The Largest Populations in Africa

The following nations have the greatest number of citizens.

As a region, Africa is ranked 17,607th in the world for Largest Populations.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Alien Sultanate of SerandumCapitalist Paradise“Wealth and Power”
2.The Republic of Western SaharaMoralistic Democracy“Western Sahara”
3.The Fair Queendom of PhazaniaNew York Times Democracy“Pax est unum”
4.The District of Mali AdrarInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Nation for Adam”
5.The Multifunctional Nomadics of KoekeloerdersDemocratic Socialists“Kijkt ende ziet.”
6.The Constitutional Monarchy of West AngolaLeft-wing Utopia“Strength through peace.”
7.The Empire of AshantiCorrupt Dictatorship“Freedom and Justice”
8.The Republic of GambiaCorrupt Dictatorship“Progress, Peace, Prosperity”
9.The Unrecognized State of BiafraAuthoritarian Democracy“Peace, Unity, Freedom”
10.The Kingdom of NyasalandFather Knows Best State“Nyasaland”
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