AfricaWorld Census

The Most Alphabetically Ascendent in Africa

Linguistic experts debated late into the night to place nations in alphabetical order.

NationWA CategoryMotto
41.The Republic of EastonvillInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Freedom,love,and respect”
42.The Holy Socialist Paradise of East AfricanismLeft-wing Utopia“Thriving For Equality”
43.The Rally Stage of East CauliflowerPsychotic Dictatorship“進歩はより良い未来への鍵である。”
44.The Democratic Republic of East KandarInoffensive Centrist Democracy“God Save Kandar”
45.The Confederacy of EdgetownCapitalist Paradise“ARE YOU RECORDING BRO”
46.The Kingdom of FoneticiusLeft-wing Utopia“Strength Through Freedom”
47.The Republic of ForcostsCorrupt Dictatorship“We Will Endure”
48.The Empire of FreakerIron Fist Consumerists“The freakiest way is the best way”
49.The People's Republic of Free Democratic Peoples Republic of ChadMoralistic Democracy“For Kim”
50.The Republic of Free States ArabMoralistic Democracy“Death to Bashar al-Assad and Free to Arabs”
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