AfricaWorld Census

The Most Extensive Civil Rights in Africa

The citizens of nations ranked highly enjoy a great amount of civil rights, or freedoms to go about their personal business without interference or regulation from government.

As a region, Africa is ranked 18,833rd in the world for Most Extensive Civil Rights.

NationWA CategoryMotto
21.The Holy Socialist Paradise of East AfricanismLeft-wing Utopia“Thriving For Equality”
22.The Russian State of The Colony of SagalloBenevolent Dictatorship“For Service, Honor, and Glory”
23.The Republic of NonoriaLeft-Leaning College State“Nature is beautiful”
24.The Federation of NefarobiaLeft-Leaning College State“Sand, sky and sun!”
25.The Kingdom of TamudaltLeft-Leaning College State“Truth Prevails”
26.The Republic of Bharat Girl SummerCivil Rights Lovefest“It's Bharat”
27.The Dictatorship of Scrambled VoucherLeft-Leaning College State“We Survive Alone”
28.The United Socialist States of GLOMPScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Our Labour is Our Land”
29.The Republic of Pakistan-StateLeft-wing Utopia“Freedom , Unity , Prosperity”
30.The Kingdom of FoneticiusLeft-wing Utopia“Strength Through Freedom”
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