United Earth GovernmentWorld Census

The Largest Black Market in United Earth Government

World Census agents tracked "off the books" deals and handshake agreements in order to study the size of nations' informal economies.

As a region, United Earth Government is ranked 85th in the world for Largest Black Market.

NationWorldStandard Monetary Units
1.The United Nations Space Command of Geidi Centauri Prime20th47,921,735,900,000,000
2.The Headquarter of United Nations Space Forces910th6,467,470,400,000,000
3.The Imperial Core World Trantor of Cleon the First920th6,421,688,700,000,000
4.The Republic of Star Trek Federation931st6,363,662,200,000,000
5.The Museum of The Hamburger Kunsthalle1,001st6,121,659,800,000,000
6.The Black Holy Dominion of The Colony of Caprica1,029th5,966,465,400,000,000
7.The Museum of The Staedl Musuem Frankfurt1,086th5,748,822,700,000,000
8.The Republic of UNSC Core World The Reach1,150th5,550,173,400,000,000
9.The Shadowslands of the of Walhalla Temple1,214th5,389,296,400,000,000
10.The City State of The Tokyo Night Skyline1,279th5,233,213,400,000,000