Council of AsiaWorld Census

The Largest Publishing Industry in Council of Asia

The World Census tallied social media complaints from students regarding overpriced textbooks to determine which nations have the largest book publishing industries.

As a region, Council of Asia is ranked 11,381st in the world for Largest Publishing Industry.

NationWorldBella Potter Productivity e-Index
1.The Island of Thousand Temples of -Bali1,290th33,956.93
2.The Federation of New Philippine Union1,428th32,683.9
3.The Hybrid Regime of Municipality of Baria and Vungtau2,947th23,577.26
4.The Revolutionary Republic of Nationalist Yinmen7,513th14,811.81
5.The Republic of Navakkia7,745th14,583.73
6.The Siberian Republic of Kroniistatzka9,217th13,440.03
7.The Holy Empire of Draum9,262nd13,409.4
8.The Holy Empire of Aukeland9,589th13,175.04
9.The Union of Soviet Sovran Republics9,867th12,998.42
10.The Republic of Tankrid10,675th12,503.56
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