The World World Census

The Nudest in the World

After exhaustive surveys, the World Census calculated which nations have the greatest acreages of flesh on public display.

Nationcheeks per square mile
315,701.The Republic of Ushant-131.5
315,702.The Call of Lytic31.5
315,703.The Rogue Nation of Hells Bells 4031.5
315,704.The Republic of 4-Desoxymescaline31.5
315,705.The Governorate and Duchy of Vitebellia31.5
315,706.The State of FD31.5
315,707.The State of Misery31.5
315,708.The Republic of GU 46th Fleet31.5
315,709.The State of Alghanim31.5
315,710.The State of Ellesmere One31.5
«12. . .31,56831,56931,57031,57131,57231,57331,574. . .34,56234,563»