The World World Census

The Nudest in the World

After exhaustive surveys, the World Census calculated which nations have the greatest acreages of flesh on public display.

Nationcheeks per square mile
11.The Smash Hit Movie Version of Brocklandia1,222.75
12.The Naked Revel of Sunny Glade1,222.75
13.The Tropical Annexed Future NPC of Eluaii1,222.75
14.The Republic of Gindama1,222.75
15.The Zarathustran Cult of Immaculate Perception1,222.75
16.The Lawless Land of The Mexican Border1,222.5
17.The Republic of Chariti1,222.25
18.The Home Improvement Retailer of Poopsadon1,222
19.The Free Land of Plunia1,221.75
20.The Free Land of Levitikus1,221.75
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