The World World Census

The Nudest in the World

After exhaustive surveys, the World Census calculated which nations have the greatest acreages of flesh on public display.

Nationcheeks per square mile
1.The Exhibitionist Meritocracy of Ceffyltir1,223
2.The Smash Hit Movie Version of Brocklandia1,223
3.The Eternal Misfortune of Pencil Sharpeners1,223
4.The Eyes Wide Shut of Dangerous Liaisons1,223
5.The Zombie Free Colony of Brexas51,223
6.The Second Best Patriots of Second Best Misc Storage 61,223
7.The Very Slow APNG of Second Best Misc Storage 81,223
8.The Rare Sight of S2 Rares Collector1,223
9.The Community of Skyclad1,223
10.The Commonwealth of Amazonia Atoll1,223
1234. . .33,73033,731»