The World World Census

The Largest Black Market in the World

World Census agents tracked "off the books" deals and handshake agreements in order to study the size of nations' informal economies.

NationStandard Monetary Units
335,561.The Confederacy of Sibinaf Brotherhood2,000,000,000
335,562.The Colony of Pan 122,000,000,000
335,563.The Colony of Pan 12342,000,000,000
335,564.The Commonwealth of Worshipper of Innocence2,000,000,000
335,565.The Community of From All to All2,000,000,000
335,566.The Commonwealth of Ikariya2,000,000,000
335,567.The Theocracy of Thartan2,000,000,000
335,568.The Republic of Arbornoria2,000,000,000
335,569.The Grand Duchy of NovaNidaros2,000,000,000
335,570.The Dictatorship of Feng Shui Crimes2,000,000,000
«12. . .33,55433,55533,55633,55733,55833,55933,560. . .34,59634,597»