The World World Census

The Largest Black Market in the World

World Census agents tracked "off the books" deals and handshake agreements in order to study the size of nations' informal economies.

NationStandard Monetary Units
288,801.The Empire of Paepae27,700,000,000
288,802.The United Kingdom of Basston27,700,000,000
288,803.The Country of Duck0327,700,000,000
288,804.The Principality of The storage nation 11427,700,000,000
288,805.The Most Serene Republic of Aspaj27,700,000,000
288,806.The People's Republic of Perclumsia27,700,000,000
288,807.The Allied States of Mon New Con27,700,000,000
288,808.The Federation of Etatallemand27,700,000,000
288,809.The Dictatorship of The Islamic Resistance Movement27,700,000,000
288,810.The Principality of Khorastani27,700,000,000
«12. . .28,87828,87928,88028,88128,88228,88328,884. . .33,55733,558»