The World World Census

The Largest Black Market in the World

World Census agents tracked "off the books" deals and handshake agreements in order to study the size of nations' informal economies.

NationWA CategoryMotto
340,441.The Queendom of New CarominaBenevolent Dictatorship“From Many, One”
340,442.The Republic of ScherotterIron Fist Consumerists“Those who are smart will prosper.”
340,443.The Republic of FreedomopolyCapitalist Paradise“God, Homeland, Liberty”
340,444.The Federation of Hell and north oqwasia islandsLiberal Democratic Socialists“Strength Through Compliance”
340,445.The Constitutional Monarchy of PowellianaNew York Times Democracy“Wealth and Justice”
340,446.The Kingdom of PoleslandCapitalist Paradise“Motherland”
340,447.The People's Republic of NewNorthKoreaPsychotic Dictatorship“Dictatorship is what the world needs”
340,448.The Dominion of RothskaCorrupt Dictatorship“Servant of many, purpose of one”
340,449.The Community of Corshwan IonbelliquiInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Pride and Industry”
340,450.The Community of Lanxi TownLeft-Leaning College State“Flow Like Water, Root Like Lotus”
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