The World World Census

The Largest Black Market in the World

World Census agents tracked "off the books" deals and handshake agreements in order to study the size of nations' informal economies.

NationWA CategoryMotto
337,321.The Empire of Twin bombersDemocratic Socialists“Sigma sigma boy”
337,322.The People's Republic of Common16Psychotic Dictatorship“Motto...”
337,323.The Empire of WeedstraliaAuthoritarian Democracy“I love weed!”
337,324.The United Socialist States of TenochtilandiaDemocratic Socialists“The people before profit”
337,325.The Incorporated States of Wimahl 18Moralistic Democracy“Might Makes Right”
337,326.The United Socialist States of The ConfederatiLeft-wing Utopia“Not a wheel turns without the working class”
337,327.The Emirate of Kumbu ClanFather Knows Best State“We Will Endure”
337,328.The Empire of The Grave YardIron Fist Consumerists“Strength Through slavery”
337,329.The United Socialist States of Greater RiziaLiberal Democratic Socialists“Nowhere but Forwards”
337,330.The People's Republic of JofeceMoralistic Democracy“Freedom and return to perfect customs”
«12. . .33,73033,73133,73233,73333,73433,73533,736. . .34,63334,634»