The World World Census

The Largest Black Market in the World

World Census agents tracked "off the books" deals and handshake agreements in order to study the size of nations' informal economies.

NationWA CategoryMotto
315,881.The Confederacy of The Interstellar Confederacy 440Inoffensive Centrist Democracy“By The People For The People”
315,882.The Confederacy of The Interstellar Confederacy 442Inoffensive Centrist Democracy“Unity, Discipline, Work”
315,883.The Confederacy of The Interstellar Confederacy 446Inoffensive Centrist Democracy“Pride and Industry”
315,884.The Confederacy of The Interstellar Confederacy 447Inoffensive Centrist Democracy“Peace and Justice”
315,885.The Confederacy of The Interstellar Confederacy 452Inoffensive Centrist Democracy“You Can't Stop Progress”
315,886.The Confederacy of The Interstellar Confederacy 457Inoffensive Centrist Democracy“Twirling Toward Freedom”
315,887.The Confederacy of The Interstellar Confederacy 458Inoffensive Centrist Democracy“Strength Through Freedom”
315,888.The Republic of ThePacificStatesInoffensive Centrist Democracy“God, Justice and Freedom ”
315,889.The Federal Republic of Lg-aRTPOPCivil Rights Lovefest“Free my mind, ARTPOP. You make my, heart stop”
315,890.The United States of DafhomirInoffensive Centrist Democracy“We Will Endure”
«12. . .31,58631,58731,58831,58931,59031,59131,592. . .33,55733,558»