The World World Census

The Highest Poor Incomes in the World

The World Census studied the spending power of the poorest 10% of citizens in each nation.

NationWA CategoryMotto
334,181.The Republic of Kao 28Anarchy“From Many, One”
334,182.The Kingdom of Womble 16630Anarchy“By The People For The People”
334,183.The Kingdom of Womble 6929Anarchy“By The People For The People”
334,184.The Kingdom of Womble 13805Anarchy“Pride and Industry”
334,185.The Confederation of Republic PonorogoCompulsory Consumerist State“Unite for all”
334,186.The Kingdom of Womble 1507Anarchy“Strength Through Freedom”
334,187.The Republic of Florida ManCapitalizt“Another Zoran Puppet”
334,188.The Republic of Simoni McSimoniaFaceAnarchy“BOATS GALORE!”
334,189.The Kingdom of Womble 1318Anarchy“You Can't Stop Progress”
334,190.The Kingdom of Womble 05221Anarchy“God, Homeland, Liberty”
«12. . .33,41633,41733,41833,41933,42033,42133,422. . .34,63334,634»