The World World Census

The Highest Poor Incomes in the World

The World Census studied the spending power of the poorest 10% of citizens in each nation.

NationWA CategoryMotto
316,751.The United States of Card Season 159Right-wing Utopia“Mass-Production”
316,752.The Kingdom of Crocodile Dundee Based NationAnarchy“Get out of the way, Dopey!”
316,753.The Emirate of MahabaCorporate Police State“Allah Mahaba”
316,754.The Allied States of Spiderboy HootersCompulsory Consumerist State“Please DONT burn me with fire.”
316,755.The Republic of GNS S02Corporate Bordello“Peace and Justice”
316,756.The United Socialist States of New York SSRCorrupt Dictatorship“Pride and Industry”
316,757.The District of Samual Moore WaltonCapitalist Paradise“State”
316,758.The Republic of Opening GambitCorporate Bordello“From Many, One”
316,759.The State of AlkeeferPsychotic Dictatorship“State”
316,760.The Community of Los Angeles College of AestheticsCorporate Bordello“Find Your Spark”
«12. . .31,67331,67431,67531,67631,67731,67831,679. . .34,62634,627»