The World World Census

The Highest Poor Incomes in the World

The World Census studied the spending power of the poorest 10% of citizens in each nation.

NationWA CategoryMotto
316,721.The Armed Republic of Error Betwiste ZoneDemocratic Socialists“Het is net zo goed van ons als van jou”
316,722.The Natural Beauty of 1123581321345589144Capitalizt“numbers!”
316,723.The Rogue Nation of The SpyAnarchy“It appears I am not the only spy.”
316,724.The Democratic Republic of Futh HeatordiaDemocratic Socialists“You Can't Stop Progress”
316,725.The Democratic Republic of Of BangabhumiDemocratic Socialists“Long live the revolution”
316,726.The Republic of SocialromandiaCorrupt Dictatorship“Socialist”
316,727.The Money making people of RRCCCorporate Police State“Pls 🙏 work 🤑 MORE 😈”
316,728.The Republic of Renin Card Farm 303Authoritarian Democracy“For Rhenna”
316,729.The People's Republic of -Eritrea-Psychotic Dictatorship“ሃገረ ኤርትራ”
316,730.The United Socialist States of Infinity NikkiDemocratic Socialists“You cannot kill me in a way that matters.”
«12. . .31,67031,67131,67231,67331,67431,67531,676. . .34,62534,626»