The World World Census

The Highest Poor Incomes in the World

The World Census studied the spending power of the poorest 10% of citizens in each nation.

NationWA CategoryMotto
316,701.The People's Republic of Socialist Heronia T-98Left-wing Utopia“Together, comrades, we shall reach for the sky!”
316,702.The Republic of DfyjuhjuggghPsychotic Dictatorship“Fcggh”
316,703.The Dominion of Domais 17Moralistic Democracy“The centre cannot hold”
316,704.The Invincible Empire of CumeniCapitalist Paradise“Crush resistance...”
316,705.The Colony of CSR in East ShalibviaCorrupt Dictatorship“Corvinian Socialist Republic has landed in ES!”
316,706.The No Longer Disputed Territory of GiruelanaCompulsory Consumerist State“Set in stone”
316,707.The Queen's State of Gabs KgosiCorporate Bordello“So much for that idea”
316,708.The Disputed Territories of The Republic of AmariaLiberal Democratic Socialists“Amaria qatt mhu se tmut”
316,709.The Republic of KharnlandFather Knows Best State“Might Makes Right”
316,710.The People's Republic of ArgerraAnarchy“Strength Through Freedom”
«12. . .31,66831,66931,67031,67131,67231,67331,674. . .34,61734,618»