The World World Census

The Highest Poor Incomes in the World

The World Census studied the spending power of the poorest 10% of citizens in each nation.

NationWA CategoryMotto
309,601.The Armed Republic of The 386th Podrian Infantry BrigadeIron Fist Socialists“March, march ye toilers and the world shall be free”
309,602.The Jingoistic States of Skagit ValleyCapitalizt“God, Homeland, Liberty”
309,603.The Dominion of Atlanc in TingaLeft-wing Utopia“Safeguarding Atlancian Interests Across The Globe!”
309,604.The State of Dolina ShpionAnarchy“State of Mind”
309,605.The Right Honourable of Rishi SunakInoffensive Centrist Democracy“I will unite our country not with words but with action”
309,606.The United Socialist States of Wall of shameCorrupt Dictatorship“Hawks of the world, unite!”
309,607.The Forest Guardians of VandagyreInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Their hootgrowls can be heard for miles”
309,608.The Rogue Nation of Xenocide IncorporatedCorporate Police State“- for all your murderous needs and megalomanic desires!”
309,609.The Federation of Joukamojarvi LakeIron Fist Consumerists“Finnish Lakes”
309,610.The Republic of Nardon KationdPsychotic Dictatorship“Things explode”
«12. . .30,95830,95930,96030,96130,96230,96330,964. . .34,57834,579»