The World World Census

The Most Average in the World

World Census staff took time out to pay tribute to those most overlooked of nations: the determinedly average.

NationWA CategoryMotto
31.The Holy Empire of The 6 9Inoffensive Centrist Democracy“6 9”
32.The Dominion of DefaultdomInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Mottomottomotto”
33.The MT Army Caretaker of Custodian 41Inoffensive Centrist Democracy“The MT Army will save NationStates from hate!!!”
34.The United States of TheTrumpOrgInoffensive Centrist Democracy“MONEY,MONEY,MONEY.......................MONEY”
35.The Republic of Undulating UngulatesInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Wave your hoove”
36.The Republic of Topid10Inoffensive Centrist Democracy“Freedom!”
37.The Kingdom of KingInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Eleytheria i thanatos”
38.The Clamtastic Clamor of Night of the ClamInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Beware the Ides of May!”
39.The Principality of 01 ERE Embassy96Inoffensive Centrist Democracy“Join the glorious Eastern Roman Empire !!”
40.The Republic of Topid3Inoffensive Centrist Democracy“Puppet of Topid”
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