The World World Census

The Most Average in the World

World Census staff took time out to pay tribute to those most overlooked of nations: the determinedly average.

NationWA CategoryMotto
21.The Republic of Ambassador of TopidInoffensive Centrist Democracy“This is my WA ambassador.”
22.The Republic of Custodian 55Inoffensive Centrist Democracy“MT”
23.The Republic of Custodian 50Inoffensive Centrist Democracy“MT”
24.The Republic of Topid15Inoffensive Centrist Democracy“Official puppet of Topid”
25.The Republic of 0 of 0Inoffensive Centrist Democracy“Yes”
26.The Unrestrained Bladder of Urinator YInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Never hold it in.”
27.The Republic of St AInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Join St Abbaddon! (the region)”
28.The United States of National TreasureInoffensive Centrist Democracy“I am a Treasure”
29.The Republic of ZafferInoffensive Centrist Democracy“N/a”
30.The Disputed Territories of Area 51Inoffensive Centrist Democracy“They do exist. I've seen them.”
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