Nova Britannia PrimaWorld Census

The Most Average in Nova Britannia Prima

World Census staff took time out to pay tribute to those most overlooked of nations: the determinedly average.

As a region, Nova Britannia Prima is ranked 17,713th in the world for Most Average.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Allied States of CoaslandInoffensive Centrist Democracy“They tried to hurt us, so we hurt them back.”
2.The Republic of English-UnionDemocratic Socialists“To Unify all Anglo nations”
3.The Colony of MerinadNew York Times Democracy“In the Light of the Nurī, we have been saved.”
4.The Oppressed Peoples of HfjTWONew York Times Democracy“Do you know how much suffering you’ve caused me?!”
5.The United Kingdom of AbbatonLeft-Leaning College State“Long live the King, the nation and the people”
6.The Community of International football organizationNew York Times Democracy“Corruption, nah we would never”
7.The Constitutional Monarchy of AchiasDemocratic Socialists“The World is Dying”
8.The Third New Turkey Regime of DeneenDemocratic Socialists“Deneen is a nation that would help its greatest enemy.”
9.The Republic of Greater DeutscheDemocratic Socialists“Stärke hinein Einheit! [Strength In Unity]”
10.The United States of The Southern american stateNew York Times Democracy“The southern civil war will end soon”