The World World Census

The Most Rebellious Youth in the World

World Census observers counted the number of times their car stereo was stolen from outside fast food stores to determine which nations have relatively high levels of youth-related crime.

NationWA CategoryMotto
315,501.The Delicious Escape of Coffee BreakCapitalist Paradise“Don't mind if I do..!”
315,502.The Republic of Skircoat4Psychotic Dictatorship“Motto...”
315,503.The United States of Eagle federationCompulsory Consumerist State“In God We Trust.”
315,504.The Free Land of JESFORTAInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Luovuttaminen ei ole vaihtoehto”
315,505.The VTuber of Freya FuyukiIron Fist Consumerists“Seeds are now in the field, another season full of hope”
315,506.The Republic of Xink76Psychotic Dictatorship“Motto...”
315,507.The Smol lil country of The MazzarsMoralistic Democracy“MOOSE”
315,508.The Principality of RavenolScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Fly”
315,509.The Republic of Uni IslandsMoralistic Democracy“We are united with it's glory”
315,510.The Mediodemocratist Republic of LindriaPsychotic Dictatorship“Por Deus, pelo Medioternismo,pela nação,vida a lindria”
«12. . .31,54831,54931,55031,55131,55231,55331,554. . .33,58433,585»