The World World Census

The Lowest Overall Tax Burden in the World

World Census financial experts assessed nations across a range of direct and indirect measures in order to determine which placed the lowest tax burden on their citizens.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Modern Portfolio Theory of Daedra1aCapitalist Paradise“DULCE ET DECORUM EST PRO PATRIA MORI”
2.The Richly Blended Peoples of KoffeeCapitalist Paradise“Guns, Germs, Steel, and really smooth Mochas!”
3.The Burlesque Republic of The CentauriCompulsory Consumerist State“What do you want you Moon-Faced Assassin of Joy?”
4.The Indomitable Borderlands of The GrendelsCompulsory Consumerist State“The Paragon of Corporate Power and Style since 2002.”
5.The Walled Cities of EretzIsraelCorporate Bordello“בתחבולות תעשה לך מלחמה‎”
6.The Godless Mercantile Nexus of Isla VistaCompulsory Consumerist State“Where churches are charged with fraud and racketeering!”
7.The Infection of EdgemasterCompulsory Consumerist State“KICK LOGIC OUT AND DO THE IMPOSSIBLE!!”
8.The Eternal Misfortune of PterodoriaCompulsory Consumerist State“Stop Reading My Motto!”
9.The Libertarian Paradise of CashdeerAnarchy“Free Markets, Free People”
10.The Soul-Crushing Factories of WulfhelmCorporate Police State“Homo sum, humani nihil a me alienum puto”
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