The Democratic AssemblyWorld Census

The Largest Cheese Export Sector in The Democratic Assembly

Qualified World Census Cheese Masters nibbled their way across the globe to determine which nations have the most developed cheese exports.

As a region, The Democratic Assembly is ranked 15,064th in the world for Largest Cheese Export Sector.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The United Independent republics of AzurnailiaMoralistic Democracy“For peace and prosperity, always”
2.The United Federation of DaphomirInoffensive Centrist Democracy“One Nation Above All”
3.The Holy gold zombie Federation of PerishnaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Nationstates, Moon, Brains, friendship FOR EGGS”
4.The United Federation of EtharliumIron Fist Consumerists“:D”
5.The United Supreme Republics of IllustratioIron Fist Consumerists“May God bless this United Supreme Republic!”
6.The Commonwealth of The Moon Colony of IllustratioIron Fist Consumerists“Loneliness.”
7.The Peoples Socialist Republic of Nationalist ChickensFather Knows Best State“Cluck, Cluck, Squack. I dont like reading.”