Claibornia didn't say which Sunday. I'm thinking the third Sunday of Mogstember (New Calendar) in the Year of Our Lord Mogsmuth 4615, give or take a decade.
The map roleplay (herein, simply 'Roleplay', or 'RP) of The Region That Has No Big Banks is a period, past-tech RP featuring a custom map, and a technology level of around the same period as the late-Cold War (i.e, the late 20th Century).
1. In all Roleplay matters, statistics provided by the NationStates site are not recognised
2. Regional activity is classed into two distinct categories, using either to influence the other is against established roleplay etiquette:
2a. Out-of-Character (OOC), which consists of actions outside of the world of roleplay 2b. In-Character (IC), which consists of all actions and events which occur inside the world of roleplay
3. It is against Roleplay Etiquette to roleplay another nation's IC actions without their approval, this includes the actions of individuals belonging to that nations
4. All roleplay posts are defined as the following types:
4a. Public posts, are defined as RP actions or history that are public knowledge and can warrant immediate reaction from a nation without prior set up 4b. Private Posts, which normally happen within a private space and are not public knowledge. Such posts can be reacted to by a nation that has reason to know (i.e. Intelligence gathering), however prior posts must be established and permission must be acquired from the Original Poster 4c. In the case where the Original Poster declines to give permission, the player requesting permission can seek aid from Roleplay Administration if they believe that the Original Poster is being disingenuous about their response
5. Players must have an approved application and must be present on the map in order to roleplay
6. Players may be removed from the map after their account Ceases to Exist ('CTEs'), or upon failing an activity check
6a. An 'activity check' is herein defined as a loose investigation into whether a player is making consistent contributions to worldbuilding and/or has posted a roleplay dispatch of adequate quality. These checks will take place at the discretion of the RP admin team
7. Roleplay posts are to be made on the Regional Message Board (RMB) on the TRTHNBB Roleplay affiliated region, and must be written in English
7a. All posts require a date and/or time specifying when it happened 7b. The source of all roleplay dialogue must be clearly denoted for ease of reading for other players
8. All political entities are represented on the regional map and are to be interpreted by the Roleplay Administration
8a. Claims must be submitted to the Head of Roleplay or Cartographer, and nations may not submit more than 5 claims, and those claims must be concentrated in one area 8b. The Head of Roleplay and Cartographer will approve claims between themselves, and will be held accountable by the administration team in their approvals
9. Players can expand into unclaimed territory with prior approval from Head of Roleplay. They must show ability to produce roleplay posts to standards mentioned in Section I, Rule 7. When necessary, Roleplay Administration can perform as an NPC enemy
10. Players must apply to join the Roleplay with the following limits:
10a. A soft population cap of forty (40) million people 10b. A soft GDP per Capita (GDP/pc) cap of US$35,000 10c. With prior approval, players can seek to have their population size and GDP/pc limit raised to below the hard cap threshold of sixty-five (65) million people and US$45,000 10d. The only exceptions to this rule are Rogue River and Lkandria, which will be allowed to go beyond the limits due to their statues as the two superpowers
11. The roleplay timescale shall be 3 real-life (IRL) days to 1 RP day
12. Players may not use IRL (in real life) references in rp, but they may use IRL references when describing certain aspects of their nation (ie., ideological comparisons, military equipment comparisons, geography comparisons, etc.)
1. Land is subject to conquest or loss. No nation is immune to war, but the cessation and annexation of territory must be consensual
1a. If any transfer of land becomes controversial, Roleplay Administration reserves the right to mediate an outcome deemed most suitable by the Administration
2. War is encouraged as a last-resort option for any international rivalries or tensions
3. All military equipment and military size must be stated in a dispatch in order for a player to be able to Roleplay hostilities
3a. This includes general types of major equipment and statistics (i.e, the exact type of weaponry must be listed, rather than just simply '10 Main Battle Tanks') 3b. Equipment that has a direct real-world equivalent can be linked to a dispatch; custom equipment requires deeper explanation as to its specifications
4. War is defined as the following:
4a. A Hot War or Interstate War is an open, armed conflict between two or more nations. Land transfer, loss, and annexation require consent from both parties unless Section II, Rule 1b is instated by a member of the Roleplay Administration 4b. A Civil War or Intrastate War is armed conflict within one nation, involving both the domestic socio-political situation and outside actors. Other players must gain permission to take part
5. When engaging in any armed conflict, or deciding the outcome of a set battle, both parties are required to come to a mutually agreed OOC conclusion in a civil manner
6. Upon becoming a member of the Roleplay, players recognise that they must accept the results of an armed conflict, so long as such roleplay is not retconned by participants or the Administration
7. The use of Weapons of Mass Destruction are banned in Roleplay without prior consultation and permission from the Roleplay Administration
8. Unless they have given prior warning to the Administration, players have between 24 and 48 hours to respond to a war post
8a. If a player fails to reach this time frame, they shall be given a 6 hour grace period and issued two reminders 8b. Upon failing to acknowledge these reminders, the Roleplay Administration will force an IC end to a conflict via treaty with other involved parties 8c. The absent player is subject to further OOC reprimand if found to be abusing the system to avoid fighting
9. Players are encouraged to appreciate that not every country can have a completely domestic military industry
9a. Players both wishing to produce identical equivalents to real-life equipment are expected to reach a mutually consensual decision on said equipments’ production and export status 9b. If this agreement cannot be reached, RP Administration will arbitrate an appropriate course of action 9c. RP Administration can unanimously decide whether military equipment is within or outside of the realistic remit of production for a player. Players can appeal this decision if they feel it is made disingenuously
1. All players in the Roleplay are entitled to develop their history, both through their initial application and during the course of their membership
1a. The Roleplay does not exist in the same plain of existence as Earth; thus, players are prohibited from using real-world nations in their history 1b. Following Section III, Rule 1a, players are dissuaded from using real-world place names and languages in their worldbuilding process
2. All players are encouraged to participate in regional historical collaboration
2a. No player can override the history of another, nor determine the history of their neighbours without prior consent
3. Players are dissuaded from using hyperboles such as "biggest army in the world" or "strongest country ever", given the fluidity of membership making it difficult to determine exact quantitative data on such claims
1. The Roleplay Administration has the right to reprimand, suspend and/or ban a player from roleplay on the basis of decorum, conduct, or roleplay management
1a. Two reprimands will result in a one day suspension 1b. Further reprimands will result in longer suspensions 1c. Once a player has obtained five or more reprimands, the Roleplay Administration has the right to ban the offending player from the Roleplay 1d. The Roleplay Administration can immediately ban or suspend a player if they significantly disrupt Roleplay
2. Roleplay rules are interpreted by only the Roleplay Administration, and not higher Regional Government; they have the authority to warn twice then reprimand
3. The Roleplay Administration has the right to amend this rulebook through deliberation and unanimous vote
3a. Any member of the Roleplay has the right to suggest an amendment to this document to the Roleplay Chancellor
4. The Head of Roleplay and Cartographer have the right to retroactively veto an application within 5 days of approval
If land agreements are consensual you are pretty much immune to war Not saying I don’t agree with nations having to agree on what territory they give up but it pretty much makes you immune to war
The point is that our RP isn't about conquering the world anymore, it's about telling stories with your nations. People should absolutely be willing to give up land if it makes sense to do so, and admins will be there to help out if people totally refuse to cede anything after agreeing to a war. The RP is just not based on war the way it used to be, and that's a good thing imo
I've been looking at the RMB, and I see that no one has created a nation that is based on madness and would probably be condemned in the international court