Hundreds of drone sightings over New york and Jersey. We have no idea who they are from. The feds wont either shoot them down or tell us whats going on. Whenever anyone gets close to them with their own drones they just shut off. They are apparently VTOL drones witch are the huge car sized ones. And several people reported seeing something along the lines of an orb alongside the drones
Bro I think a took a picture of a drone and didn’t even realize it I was like “wow did they build a new airport why are all these planes flying so low?” It was late November and the first drone sightings were reported in mid November Saw it in Passaic county which is where drone sightings have been reported…
Today is gonna be the day that they're gonna throw it back to you By now, you should've somehow realised what you gotta do I don't believe that anybody feels the way I do about you now
A long time ago, actually never and also now. Nothing is nowhere. When? Never. Makes sense right? Like i said it didn't happen, nothing was never anywhere. Thats why it's been everywhere, it's been so everywhere you don't need a where, you don't even need a when. Thats how every it gets
"It’s good to see yall again :) So I come to you this evening because I just want to be honest with you. Today wasn’t the best of days for our RP community as this morning our former director actively tried to violate the constitution, and the newer one needs growth in the Lord. They are both no longer Director of RP. I know y’all are an RP community and our community is really really young…and I was just wondering if The Order of Corinth would ever be interested in joining Covenant Shores in exchange of being in charge of the RP? My request would be is to have Nothern Fores and Tradila involved in this organization as they are good people, but I was thinking of there being a RP committee that accepts applications and is moderating the state of the RP. Right now, we message from the Covenant Shores region into Covenant Shores Roleplay rmb since we have embassies together. This is just a broad idea, but I was wondering what y’all thought! We are easy going with RP standards, we just ask that it’s in tune with the constitution of course (I can send stuff about this if you want )…along with that, y’all would have citizenship after 7 days of being a resident and filling out an application and so you would have the freedom to propose regional laws as a citizen. Anyway, I hope yall have a blessed day and God bless… In Christ Alone, Ajakor"”
I believe that pedophilia (on a law standpoint) should be based on distance of age and not a set age of majority. I find it stupid that a 18yro dating a 17yro is illegal yet a 17yro dating a 9yro is not. Personally that is just my opinion but whatever so :/