USS Enterprise (vitrix) The USS Enterprise is the name of multiple fictional spacecraft that have been the main setting for various Star Trek films and television series. The Enterprise is considered an integral character in the series, and has evolved in configuration over time while retaining its name.
Malevolence ( colossus) The Malevolence is a Subjugator-class heavy cruiser in the Star Wars universe that was active during the Clone Wars. The Malevolence is known for its large ion cannons and two-step attack, which begins by knocking out a target's power systems. The Malevolence was inspired by the real-life German battleship Bismarck, and its design was based on concept art from Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith.
I was in a silent study hall so it was very obnoxious. And anyway, I used to know a girl in my freshman year just like that. Any male within a 6 foot radius she would start giggling. It was like she had no personality. Couldn’t even carry a normal conservation with her especially if there was a guy she liked around.
Also for the more info on USS Enterprise (Kelvin Timeline version, bc i love the Kelvin Timeline ^^)
It was a 23rd century Federation Constitution-class starship Launched in 2258, the vessel was officially made the Federation flagship, and the first Federation starship to bear the name Enterprise. It launched into service from the San Francisco Fleet Yards, Earth. (Star Trek; Star Trek Beyond). In 2260, the Enterprise became the first starship assigned by the Federation to undergo a five-year exploration mission of uncharted deep space. (Star Trek Into Darkness). Enterprise was destroyed during the battle over the planet Altamid in 2263, when it was attacked by Krall and his Swarm ships. (Krall Swarm Ships) (Star Trek Beyond).
Jorsania News Network Woah, looks like we got a couple subjects to explain today. Lets just start with the first. Jorsania has continued it's rapid industrialization process. With factories being built here and there, it's kinda starting to get a bit common to see one. On our second story. Classified government documents have been leaked today. The so called "Doxxer" has been identified as a Warthunder player 14 year old kid in his mother's basement. What. Anyways go check them out On our third story, election season is coming with our three candidates, President Khan(Independent), Amna Ali(Socialist Party) and Ghalib Karam(Religious Conservative Party). Who knows who will win this one. And for our last, but certainly not least, story. A chimpanzee named "Turkey" has completed a successful mission around the globe. I really wonder what that little guy saw up there. And that's it for our news today. Tune in tomorrow fo-~~~~~~~~*The radio cuts out*
REAL!!!!!!!! also, I've seen My little sister can't be this cute. The title is misleading but it's definitely a weird anime. you should add Inuyasha!! I love anime. my reason to live. Also, fun fact, my best friend named his cat Sesshomaru, the demon from Inuyasha!!!!! oh, and did I mention I like Inuyasha???? INUYASHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I can yap abt anime for HOURS and not be tired. sorry for the random yap session.)
hey im really bored and I don't wanna sleep even though I need it so here's my yap session. ignore it, please. lol.
I think people who don't watch anime and call it stupid and g00ner material have only seen the bad fandom side and the fan service animes. It feels so embarrassing and nerdy when I tell someone I like anime because they look at me in horror and disgust and think I'm talking about animes like "MY WIFE TURNED INTO AN ELEMENTARY SCHOOLER AND I CANT WAIT TILL SHE TURNS 18!! " Like, come on, wtf. (And yes, that's a real anime. ) And it's sad because you can't judge it until you try it, yk???? like action animes are so fire. I've grown to watch anything set in front of me. shows, dramas, movies, ANIMES, news. I think it's great. The only thing is that I think the plots and settings of Japanese shows really set a spark, yk? And I really don't want to come off as a "WeEb, UWU" type of fan but I can binge-watch for HOURS. Ive had people recommend animes to me, and I watch every single one to the end. that way, I can yap about it with the person and talk about ALL the different plot twists, the humourous times, the sad ones, and all that stuff. a while ago, someone recommended "Fruits Basket" to me. It's supposedly an anime about Japanese zodiac spirits. I think it's a real cool plot, and there's a lot of unresolved trauma in the characters. My Hero Academia gets TONS of hate for its weird fandom. It's literally a fighting anime, and the stupid "weebs" turned it into some tw1nk falling in love with a buff angry "pomeranian boi" and searches for power with his alpha daddy. THE STINKING PLOT IS LITERALLY A POWERLESS BOY WITH A DREAM TO HELP OTHERS, SO HE GETS HELP FROM A HERO AND BECOMES THE WORLDS BEST HERO. THERE IS NO "uwu I'm smol broccoli" IN THAT. ZERO. THAT ANIME MAKES ME CRY AND THIS DAMN FANDOM IS STILL IN 2020 SHIPPING AN ADULT MAN WITH A CHILD. overall, I think people who vape and get h1gh at the ripe age of 12 should get chained onto a chair, given some popcorn, and forced to watch a season of just one anime. at least one. It can be Attack On Titan, or My Dress Up Darling. Whatever. just have a damn taste of glory. Like I BEG you to keep your eyes on the screen, pop some of those kernels in your mouth, and just watch. No vape, no side chicks, no skipping class, just watching. I guarantee you that by the end of the day, they will have become a new person. An anime that is life-changing is HunterxHunter. You see it once for the first time with no spoilers, and you've entered heaven. You will want to watch it all over again, but as if you've never watched it. It's true perfection. But for beginners, try mob psycho 100. That ought to put you on the right path! okay, I've concluded my yap session because in all honesty, I've tired myself out. Although, that was the whole purpose since I can't go to sleep with a head full of thoughts. it makes it hard to sleep. Anyway, before I continue another long talk I'm gonna hit the hay. I've checked the time, and its only been 20 minutes, would you look at that!! time flies. anyway, bye.
The Malevolence was a Subjugator-class heavy cruiser active during the Clone Wars. It served as the flagship of the Confederate General Grievous. The massive ship was longer than four Venator-class Star Destroyers and sported massive ion cannons, capable of disabling enemy ships, mounted on both sides of its hull.
MANUFACTURER: Free Dac Volunteers Engineering Corps Pammant Docks
MODEL: Subjugator-class heavy cruiser TYPE: Heavy cruiser Star battleship Star Dreadnought
ENGINE UNITS: 16 sublight engines HYPERDRIVE RATING: Class 2 HYPERDRIVE SYSTEM: Equipped POWER PLANT: Primary power generator Secondary power plant SHIELDING: Equipped SENSOR SYSTEMS: Sensor array NAVIGATION SYSTEM: Equipped COUNTERMEASURES: Sensor jammers ARMAMENT: Mega-ion cannons (2) 500 twin turbolaser batteries 5 point-defense light laser cannon batteries Tractor beam COMPLEMENT: 200+ droid starfighters, including vulture droids Droch-class boarding ships Soulless One DOCKING BAYS: Several CREW: 23,530 droids, with support and tactical crew B1-series battle droids B2-series super battle droids Firefighter battle droids OOM command battle droids MINIMUM CREW: 900 battle droids PASSENGERS: 10,000+ battle droids B1-series droids, including rocket battle droids B2-series droids, including B2-HA super battle droids Droidekas CARGO HANDLING SYSTEMS: Rail jet train system CONSUMABLES: Hyperwave emission and transmission antennas COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS: Equipped OTHER SYSTEMS: Cannon reactor valves Plasma rotors Tachyonic discharge systems
ROLE(S): Experimental testbed Flagship Terror weapon DESTROYED: 22 BBY, Prindaar system PRESENT FOR BATTLES/EVENTS: Malevolence Campaign Battle of the Phu system Battle of Abregado Battle of the Ryndellia system Battle of the Kaliida Nebula AFFILIATION: Confederacy of Independent Systems Sith Order NAVY Confederacy of Independent Systems Navy OWNER(S) Dooku Grievous COMMANDER(S) Malevolence OOM command battle droid
(In case you didn’t know) KSI dropped again, and its actually kinda… good… this time (based on recent events i never thought I would say that sentence). It also has a secret feature that i swear sounds exactly like Billie Eillish.