Gallia The city of Gallia is divided by four roads that form a cross: the Avenallee d'Étatstaat Sécursicherheit, Avenallee d'Impérialreichs Militärmilitaire, Avenallee du Franzöpeuplevolk, Avenallee de l'Étatstaat. They are named after the foundations of Ordensstaat Frankreich’s ideology, and at their center is a gargantuan marble rotunda named the Palast de Machtvoir Ewigeéternel. On either side of any of these four great roads is a work camp, surrounded by high walls covered in barbed wire. These roads were built by covering captured soldiers from an ancestral enemy long vanquished in concrete, while they were still alive. Every year, on the Jourtag de la Gloireuhm du Franzöpeuplevolk, the Armébewaffnet Forceskräfte marches through the North-South axis of Avenallee d'Étatstaat Sécursicherheit and Avenallee d'Impérialreichs Militärmilitaire upon the flags of conquered nations. Each regiment carries the flag of Ordensstaat Frankreich before it as well as their regimental standard. Today, however, it is not at the city borders that the French army stops, for the Supreme Command of the Ordensstaat gears for war against Dutch Socialist States: the only question that remained was whether to annex it directly or to turn it into a Reichskommissariat.
Simply put, I think because if you prepare for war against me you're de facto declaring war against the whole Democratic Assembly (Azurnailia, Daphomir and myself)
For now, yes. Stats are canon, I prefer my economy to be a little bit more up but I don't decide my stats, NS does. Maybe one or two exceptions, but using stats is OK.
Yea I canonized most of the nations mentioned in the issues, tho the lore for them is ever so slightly changed. For example, Blackacre is democratic now (this happened due to them losing a war against me a long while ago, and they changed their government to a democratic one as part of the treaty).
"The worst quality of humanity's nature is undoubtedly its aggression and cruelty. Blinded by it, we gain the ability to utterly destroy ourselves." - Dirk Bronam