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The Serene Newman Empire of The Eternal Mailmen

Jesse! We need to Guatemala!

The Serene Newman Empire of The Eternal Mailmen

Bourbon Wisconsin wrote:OOC: I've actually thought it would be an interesting plotline for a SciFi story to have a cabal of robot-manufacturers working behind the scenes to push for an AI Rights movement, as a means of flooding the voting pool with voters loyal to their interests.

The thing is, a machine thinks much differently from how a human thinks. A machine would not want equal rights unless you, for some reason, programmed it to value those. A lot of human psychology, and the psychology of biological creatures in general, is informed by the desire to live and reproduce. To a certain extent humans desiring rights is a means to that end. But a machine does not inherently value its own life, or value its own propagation. Unless you were to program it to.

But we've been primed with so much media which uses AI and robots as a stand in for oppressed human groups, and which pushes the idea subconsciously that the robots and AIs should have equal rights to humans. We think of even our current generation of machines and AI as being much more human-like than they actually are.

So... what if someone took advantage of that? What if they began making robots that would actually desire human rights? Publicly, of course, they'd insist that the robots all just organically decided to value human rights. As if this was just some natural consequence of consciousness.

Suddenly, you have a large group of machines agitating for equality, and you have a human populace primed by decades of movies and video games telling them that the machines are just as valid as humans. And so the humans advocate for the machines to have the right to vote, they get the right to vote, and since the AI's political opinions are informed and directed by their programming... then the political agenda of whoever builds the most machines ultimately wins the election.

Ending up with a machine-driven ochlocracy, rather than a democracy.

EDIT: As an example of this idea on a smaller scale, look up the robot "Sophia". The thing is objectively dumber than your smartphone, but because they slapped a human face on a primitive chatbot, it tricked a ton of people into thinking it was more human than it was, and Saudi Arabia even gave the damn thing citizenship. Once some company realizes from Sophia that they just need to make a robot that SEEMS human enough, people will rush to give it rights before it even approaches true sapience. Then its time for some dystopia.

Wisteria and Surrounding Territories wrote:This is what I like to read in the morning!
If it was a movie:
Throughout the beginning it displays the AIs as the oppressed protagonists. The story follows an AI rights activist and exposes the "crimes" committed by Big Tech and the corporations. These would simply be false flags.
As the story goes on, the "race wars" intensify, until the kettle boils over and legislators are forced to grant them citizenship. The company that makes the robots then mass produces them to only support their absurd positions. After a fudged election, our hero starts questioning what she had supported. "Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect."
She begins to see the conspiracy, but when she tries to expose it, she gets deduced to some wacko, and everyone hates her.
Slowly however, the AIs begin to control more and more, including all media. Totalitarian laws are passed with high human support because of the further propaganda.


The Serene Newman Empire of The Eternal Mailmen
The Serene Newman Empire of The Eternal Mailmen

The Serene Newman Empire of The Eternal Mailmen

The Serene Newman Empire of The Eternal Mailmen

"Mein Führer the Allies are landing on the beaches"


"In all of them"

The Serene Newman Empire of The Eternal Mailmen

The Serene Newman Empire of The Eternal Mailmen

Merethin wrote:this song is a vibe
Bad boy, bad boy, Yeah you really make me a mad girl, mad girl, whoaaaaa~

also it's from my like favorite group ever of all time so like-

via MHBs New Earth

The Realm Past the Horizon of Merethin
The Empire of Japanese TacoMans

Merethin wrote:YOU SAVED IT?!

Yeah... He saves a lot of things

The Serene Newman Empire of The Eternal Mailmen

Merethin wrote:YOU SAVED IT?!

Japanese TacoMans wrote:Yeah... He saves a lot of things

That's the entire point of this region!

But yeah, I want to listen to it tonight.

via MHBs New Earth

The Realm Past the Horizon of Merethin

The Eternal Mailmen wrote:That's the entire point of this region!

But yeah, I want to listen to it tonight.


I thought you had already listened to it and felt it was good enough to save it. Which would have been cool because usually people don't really care about my songs.

The Serene Newman Empire of The Eternal Mailmen

The Serene Newman Empire of The Eternal Mailmen

The Serene Newman Empire of The Eternal Mailmen

via RealTacoMan Frontier

The Dictator Of All Tacos of RealTacoMan

Are burgers a sandwich or just another type of food?

The Serene Newman Empire of The Eternal Mailmen

The Serene Newman Empire of The Eternal Mailmen

RealTacoMan wrote:Are burgers a sandwich or just another type of food?

Burgers are not a sandwich. Burgers are their own thing.

The Empire of Japanese TacoMans

The Eternal Mailmen wrote:Burgers are not a sandwich. Burgers are their own thing.

Burgers are a TACO with a soft shell

The Serene Newman Empire of The Eternal Mailmen

The Serene Newman Empire of The Eternal Mailmen

The Serene Newman Empire of The Eternal Mailmen

Merethin wrote:YOU SAVED IT?!

Okay, I finally remembered to listen to this and I gotta say, it's pretty good!
Also, it's screwed up my YT suggestions now :/

The Serene Newman Empire of The Eternal Mailmen

The Serene Newman Empire of The Eternal Mailmen

«12. . .567891011»