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The Armed People of Milimuppet

I have concerns about Reddicord being able to vote. I know that its controlled by multiple people but some of those people already have voting accounts. Siluvia, what are your thoughts on this?

The Free-Market Confederacy of Siluvia

Milimuppet wrote:I have concerns about Reddicord being able to vote. I know that its controlled by multiple people but some of those people already have voting accounts. Siluvia, what are your thoughts on this?

I think it’s should be alright as long as the person making the vote choice for Reddicord isn’t also using another account to vote.

The Democratic States of The Northwind Federation

Heilige Stadt wrote:
not so daily question from the Minister of PR #34


suppose your country fell in 1938-1945, would your army have stood 1v1 against the Wehrmacht?

Northwind didn’t exist in that timeframe so I’ll put this in the perspective of my founding nations

Ourana: didn’t exist yet

New Iceland: kinda hard to answer, maybe

Chosenia: didn’t exist yet

Ulanburolia: no

The Frontier of Galaad

Heilige Stadt wrote:
not so daily question from the Minister of PR #34


suppose your country fell in 1938-1945, would your army have stood 1v1 against the Wehrmacht?

Does our military tech also fell back to WW2 tech or no?

Since we are the remnants of 2020 United States, we control the most of it, i guess we could 1v1 Wehrmacht.

Our veterans founded our nation, and we have conscription, which would be prepared by our veterans, and armed from the US 2020 stockpile (M4, Abrams, F35, Arleigh Burke etc).

The US civil war devasted our population and economy, we dont have 350 million people anymore, its more 200 million now. But we can still mobilize few million men, and supply with few hundred jer fighters, a thousand or two tanks, and tens of destroyers and submarines.
We even have few aircraft carriers tied in the docks, we dont need them so they rust there, but with enough time, we could reactivate one if we invest enough and canibalize the rest.

Now its the question, what do you believe in; will a thousand Abrams defeat 10,000 Tigers, will 100 F35 defeat 5000 Messerschmidts, will few Arleigh Burke and Los Angeless Class defeat German Wolf Packs?

The Republic of Uni Islands

The Northwind Federation wrote:Northwind didn’t exist in that timeframe so I’ll put this in the perspective of my founding nations

Ourana: didn’t exist yet

New Iceland: kinda hard to answer, maybe

Chosenia: didn’t exist yet

Ulanburolia: no

Us, We existed on that time frame, The population of us back then was about 98M. The population of St Iton was 1.02M people, We've existed since 1701. We didnt have military back then and we were allies with everyone. We were much tinier back then

The Republic of Uni Islands

I have a sharable nation idea, It's only accessible to steel powers members. It's called Steel Union.

The Free Enclave of Konigzberg

Heilige Stadt wrote:
not so daily question from the Minister of PR #34


suppose your country fell in 1938-1945, would your army have stood 1v1 against the Wehrmacht?

No, because we would have been bonded as brothers in arms.

As a side note, I Really miss playing hoi4….Countless hours of my life would be spent playing if I could lol

The Frontier of Galaad

Konigzberg wrote:No, because we would have been bonded as brothers in arms.

As a side note, I Really miss playing hoi4….Countless hours of my life would be spent playing if I could lol

Try AOH2, you can play on phone offline and kill time when you dont have anything to do.

About first part of your sentence - wtf?!

The Private Military Company of Rheinmetall AG

Galaad wrote:Try AOH2, you can play on phone offline and kill time when you dont have anything to do.

About first part of your sentence - wtf?!

I have to admit though, AOH is very good as a tool to kill time

Same reaction from me lol

The Free Enclave of Konigzberg

Galaad wrote:Try AOH2, you can play on phone offline and kill time when you dont have anything to do.

About first part of your sentence - wtf?!

Cool I’m just checking AOH2 out now, it’s cheap might check out, could satisfy the strategy itch

(Haha And is that so shocking? I thought it would come as no surprise haha)

The Armed People of Milimuppet

Finally found a good way to describe my government structure: irregularly elected technocratic oligarchy.

The Private Military Company of Rheinmetall AG

not daily question from rhein #2

What Terra Invicta faction would your nation favour and support?

My answer is either The Resistance or Humanity First

The Republic of Uni Islands

Not Daily Question from Uni Islands #1

How well do you know me? Choose from 1 to 5
#1 Who? #2 I think i reconize you #3 I know you #4 pretty influential #5 celeb

The Vereinigte Königreiche of Heilige Stadt

Galaad wrote:Does our military tech also fell back to WW2 tech or no?

Since we are the remnants of 2020 United States, we control the most of it, i guess we could 1v1 Wehrmacht.

Our veterans founded our nation, and we have conscription, which would be prepared by our veterans, and armed from the US 2020 stockpile (M4, Abrams, F35, Arleigh Burke etc).

The US civil war devasted our population and economy, we dont have 350 million people anymore, its more 200 million now. But we can still mobilize few million men, and supply with few hundred jer fighters, a thousand or two tanks, and tens of destroyers and submarines.
We even have few aircraft carriers tied in the docks, we dont need them so they rust there, but with enough time, we could reactivate one if we invest enough and canibalize the rest.

Now its the question, what do you believe in; will a thousand Abrams defeat 10,000 Tigers, will 100 F35 defeat 5000 Messerschmidts, will few Arleigh Burke and Los Angeless Class defeat German Wolf Packs?

sorry for the inaccuracy, if your army had the technology of the 1940s

The Free Enclave of Konigzberg

Uni Islands wrote:Not Daily Question from Uni Islands #1

How well do you know me? Choose from 1 to 5
#1 Who? #2 I think i reconize you #3 I know you #4 pretty influential #5 celeb

Number Five ;)

The Private Military Company of Rheinmetall AG

Uni Islands wrote:Not Daily Question from Uni Islands #1

How well do you know me? Choose from 1 to 5
#1 Who? #2 I think i reconize you #3 I know you #4 pretty influential #5 celeb

couldn't even make an original message

The Vereinigte Königreiche of Heilige Stadt

Uni Islands wrote:Not Daily Question from Uni Islands #1

How well do you know me? Choose from 1 to 5
#1 Who? #2 I think i reconize you #3 I know you #4 pretty influential #5 celeb

#1 like "who ta hell are u?"

The Private Military Company of Rheinmetall AG

Uni Islands wrote:Not Daily Question from Uni Islands #1

How well do you know me? Choose from 1 to 5
#1 Who? #2 I think i reconize you #3 I know you #4 pretty influential #5 celeb

but yea probably 2

The Frontier of Galaad

Heilige Stadt wrote:sorry for the inaccuracy, if your army had the technology of the 1940s

Ok so we have contemporary population and economy, but 1940 tech?

So i guess we still win, it will just take longer:
We would have shermans, pershings, essex carriers, subs, liberty ships, garands, thompsons, BARs. These tech was not much worse than nazis, and we have industrial base and most of earths resources.

Dont forget that Galaad is American Theocracy, we are not democracy and capitalists. We are Fundamentalist Republic, our soldiers are zealous warriors with unbreakable faith. Similar to Jihadists, we are just Crusaders. So we dont run from fight, we actually wish for it, to show our dedication to others and earn respect. Therefore our iron will will compensate for technology. And since we are successor of United States, we also dont lack numbers, we have more people, territory, resources and troops than nazis.


The Free Enclave of Konigzberg

Galaad wrote:Ok so we have contemporary population and economy, but 1940 tech?

So i guess we still win, it will just take longer:
We would have shermans, pershings, essex carriers, subs, liberty ships, garands, thompsons, BARs. These tech was not much worse than nazis, and we have industrial base and most of earths resources.

Dont forget that Galaad is American Theocracy, we are not democracy and capitalists. We are Fundamentalist Republic, our soldiers are zealous warriors with unbreakable faith. Similar to Jihadists, we are just Crusaders. So we dont run from fight, we actually wish for it, to show our dedication to others and earn respect. Therefore our iron will will compensate for technology. And since we are successor of United States, we also dont lack numbers, we have more people, territory, resources and troops than nazis.


Wait a second, they said Werhmacht - not yahtzees.

There’s a distinction, hence why my people would have been patriotic for the fatherland. Not for the mad party

The Frontier of Galaad

Konigzberg wrote:Wait a second, they said Werhmacht - not yahtzees.

There’s a distinction, hence why my people would have been patriotic for the fatherland. Not for the mad party

Isnt that the same? The party renamed the armed forces during their reform in 1935? After all, that reformed army was the only state army that government used during ww2?

The Grand Duchy of 46566

How would shared alts work in RP?! would they act like a alt for everyone involved?.

The Armed People of Milimuppet

46566 wrote:How would shared alts work in RP?! would they act like a alt for everyone involved?.

Just as an independant nation in RP. Like any other alt.

The Republic of Uni Islands

The Republic of Uni Islands

I can speak some Español, españa!

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