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Post self-deleted by The fe puppet master.

The fe puppet master

Hey guys thanks for liberating my region, but it seems that the links are broken, mind telling me the problem? the RP puppet storage center.


The fe puppet master wrote:Hey guys thanks for liberating my region, but it seems that the links are broken, mind telling me the problem? the RP puppet storage center.

Certainly! Just give me the ability to change appearance and I will help out!


Hey, new around here


Athroban wrote:Hey, new around here

Welcome! Glad to have you here.

Saidon and Athroban

The All the pretty colours sparkly shiny glamorous fascinating 🌈 🦄 ✨ ooooh what's that? Now a mod too! Absolutely fabulous! of Chingis

Don't forget to join our discord here:

Of hanna

Hey, new here


The All the pretty colours sparkly shiny glamorous fascinating 🌈 🦄 ✨ ooooh what's that? Now a mod too! Absolutely fabulous! of Chingis



via Yuno

Mommy yuno

About time ^_^

Chingis, Liliarchy, and Bot 13

American imperialist
The Ever Changing Winds of Lily White

*flutters around*

Jed empire

Hi my nation has a powerful communist military


Hello I am new and I have clearly never heard of nations states before this day.

The Ever Changing Winds of Lily White

Remembermeraiders wrote:Hello I am new and I have clearly never heard of nations states before this day.

It's a spai! banject it!


The Ever Changing Winds of Lily White

17 hours ago: Lily was nominated for a World Assembly Condemnation by The Socialist Democracy of The Peoples Republic of Great Britain.

oh nice!

Liliarchy, Bot 13, and Remembermeraiders


Lily White wrote:It's a spai! banject it!

WHAT!!! um... what I am not spy hahaha you have no proof.

*nervous laughing


Lily White wrote:17 hours ago: Lily was nominated for a World Assembly Condemnation by The Socialist Democracy of The Peoples Republic of Great Britain.
oh nice!

good for us

The Ever Changing Winds of Lily White

Remembermeraiders wrote:WHAT!!! um... what I am not spy hahaha you have no proof.
*nervous laughing

Plenty of proof on TNP RMB. Faeries see everything!


Lily White wrote:Plenty of proof on TNP RMB. Faeries see everything!

What I don't know what you're talking about.

so hows life?


Hello, I came here.

The All the pretty colours sparkly shiny glamorous fascinating 🌈 🦄 ✨ ooooh what's that? Now a mod too! Absolutely fabulous! of Chingis

Hey guys!

Join our discord and Lili will catch you there :D

And he'll probs TG u too so you can keep an eye on your TGs for the time being if discord aint your thing :P

The Kingdom of Facepunch Rule



Yurihana wrote:Hello, I came here.

Facepunch Rule wrote:hello

Hello I'm also new


Yo everyone!
Hop on our discord if you are interested in joining the military or just want to hang out :P
... ooooor you can shoot me a TG, either works


The Kingdom of Facepunch Rule

how is everyone?


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