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via Riskivilization

The Empire of A Random Canadian Empire

Trionittern wrote:Trionittern has gotten its independence after the final votes of the RU Parliament and the government of Trionittern

The Riskivilization Union congratulates the Realm of Trionittern on there independence. And would like to welcome them to the Royal Realms

The Constitutional Monarchy of Realm of Malta

Trionittern wrote:Trionittern has gotten its independence after the final votes of the RU Parliament and the government of Trionittern

Malta would like to welcome our Sister Nation to the international comuity and the royal realms.

The North Sea People's Republic of Greater Eireann

Trionittern wrote:Trionittern has gotten its independence after the final votes of the RU Parliament and the government of Trionittern

The North Sea Realm welcomes Trionittern to official nationhood, and congratulates it for its newfound independence. We wish them the very best in the path forward.

The Constitutional Monarchy of Realm of Malta

The Delegate from the Realm of Malta was elected to be the first President of the General Assembly of the United Regions. And is working with the delegations to open the first official meeting of the United Regions.

The Constitutional Monarchy of Realm of Malta

The Realm of Malta's Delegate, the President of the General assembly is taking nominations for nations that will sit on both the Security Council and Human Rights Council. (preferably through telegram)

The Constitutional Monarchy of Realm of Malta

Realm of Malta wrote:The Realm of Malta's Delegate, the President of the General assembly is taking nominations for nations that will sit on both the Security Council and Human Rights Council. (preferably through telegram)

With the power invested in the President of the General Assembly, The United Regions is now open

The North Sea People's Republic of Greater Eireann

Realm of Malta wrote:With the power invested in the President of the General Assembly, The United Regions is now open

We congratulate this move by the international community.

via Riskivilization

The Empire of Northern Fenoscandia

With the Postmaster General of The Riskivilization Union, Kyra Frank's certification, of the Election of the Members of the House of Commons of the Riskivilization Union, the new make up of the house come the 21st of december at noon Union Standard Time will be
Labour with 697 seats 41.2% of the House of Commons
ML Communist with 402 seats 23.8% of the House of Commons
Pirate Party with 381 seats 22.5% of the House of Commons
Green with 147 seats 8.7% of the House of Commons
Social Democratic/Liberal with 62 seats 3.7% of the House of Commons
Conservative with 2 seats 0.1% of the House of Commons

the results will now be sent to the provinces for their certification

via Riskivilization

The Commonwealth of Antartic Clames

As a result of the Ballot Measure, attached to the December First vote "To Amend the Constitution of The Antarctic Claims, to abolish the upper house; AND do any resizing or apportionment of the lower, now sole house of the Antarctic Claims parliament that may be required" has passed with the required 55% of the vote of the Citizens of the Commonwealth.

In light of this passing the amendment shall go into effect no later than one year from today, and no earlier than 2 months from today.

The North Sea People's Republic of Greater Eireann

We congratulate the RU on another round of free and fair elections. International observers have rated them to be among the top voting systems, particularly in terms of integrity and accessibility.

via World Decolonisation Hub

The Castroist Republic of Trionittern

Trionittern has Become a republic, voting over 85% to abandon the monarchy, however we will stay in the commonwealth of realms, we will no longer be a Royal Realm, The Monarchy is dead, Long Live the Republic!

The North Sea People's Republic of Greater Eireann

We would like to welcome the new nation of Lithuania, and on behalf of the Western European Union, we hope that you find this to be a good experience.

The Democratic Republic of The Gandhistani Remnant

Greater Eireann wrote:We would like to welcome the new nation of Lithuania, and on behalf of the Western European Union, we hope that you find this to be a good experience.

Yes, welcome Spoofs!

via Riskivilization

The Empire of A Random Canadian Empire

"The Riskivilization Union would like to wish all nations of the world a happy new years eve and a happy new year. we hope that you had a good 12021 HE and that you can have a prosperous 12022 HE for the next year. For us here at The Riskivilization Union, 'we'll tak' a cup o’ kindness yet,
for auld lang syne.' and we encorrage all of our fellow nations to do the same." - Message from the Riskivilization Department of Foreign Affairs

The North Sea People's Republic of Greater Eireann

Queen Veia hereby heralds the 2022 Northarian elections, the latest of our long tradition of democracy. Beginning today, they shall last until Sunday. Polls open at 7 AM and close at 10 PM local time each day.

Among the largest developments is the vote on the position of the Monarch in general. Following the Crocus Revolution of last year, the role of the Sovereign has come under heated debate, with the most diehard revolutionaries supporting its abolition or at least reduction, while some of the more centrist and conservative factions support retaining the present position, or even in rare cases increasing their power. Only time shall tell the manner in which the nation moves forward.

Another important development is the referendum on the sixty-percent threshold in the Senate. Due to tensions between the North Sea Realm and the Kingdom of South Italy, many citizens are rightly concerned that such a system ought to be prevented here, lest a situation similar to South Italy's conservative minority rule arises.

Both of these questions are included towards the bottom of the ballot, and may be voted on by anyone sixteen years of age or older. Thank you all.

The Kingdom of Kingdom of Southern Italy

Greater Eireann wrote:Queen Veia hereby heralds the 2022 Northarian elections, the latest of our long tradition of democracy. Beginning today, they shall last until Sunday. Polls open at 7 AM and close at 10 PM local time each day.

Among the largest developments is the vote on the position of the Monarch in general. Following the Crocus Revolution of last year, the role of the Sovereign has come under heated debate, with the most diehard revolutionaries supporting its abolition or at least reduction, while some of the more centrist and conservative factions support retaining the present position, or even in rare cases increasing their power. Only time shall tell the manner in which the nation moves forward.

Another important development is the referendum on the sixty-percent threshold in the Senate. Due to tensions between the North Sea Realm and the Kingdom of South Italy, many citizens are rightly concerned that such a system ought to be prevented here, lest a situation similar to South Italy's conservative minority rule arises.

Both of these questions are included towards the bottom of the ballot, and may be voted on by anyone sixteen years of age or older. Thank you all.

We Resent the Fact that you said we are ruling the United States of Southern Italy,‌‎­‍­­‌­‌​᠎­­​­‌​​‌᠎­­‍​​⁠‌‌​‌​​​­᠎​‌‌​᠎​‌‌‍​​‌‌​​᠎‍‍‌⁠​‍​‎​⁠​​‌‌⁠᠎​‌‌‍​​⁠‌᠎‌‍​‍­​​​᠎⁠­​​​​​­᠎‌‍‌​‍​‌­​⁠​­⁠‍᠎⁠­​‍‍‍­‌᠎⁠‍‌​­​​​‌⁠​­‍⁠​​​­​‌᠎⁠­‍‌‌‌​⁠​­​​‌‌‌‌᠎​⁠​­᠎​‌‌‍​​᠎‌‌​​​­​‍​‌​​᠎‍‌‌‌​⁠​­⁠‍᠎​‌‌‍​​᠎‍­​⁠‍​​⁠⁠­‍‌‌‌​‌​​‌⁠⁠᠎⁠​​​᠎‍‍​‍​­​­‌​​‌᠎⁠‍​​​‌᠎​‍​­⁠‌​‌‌‍​⁠​­⁠‍᠎‌­‌​​­​​­᠎᠎­­‍​‌​⁠​​​‌⁠᠎­­‌‍‌​‍‌‌‌​​᠎‌​‍­᠎­­‍‌­­‌‌­­‌‌­­​⁠ we are merely preserving our rights in the senate. If you want to look at a State in South Italy look no farther than the Naples, who has been using it to keep help from essential state services."

The North Sea People's Republic of Greater Eireann

We interrupt your regular news programming to announce an important development. The results of the Northarian elections are officially in. After a long week at the ballot boxes, the nation comes away from the season with a very different government. The Social Democratic Party seemed to suffer the most this time around, a complete turnaround from their performance last year. However, they have merely returned to a more typical turnout for their party, and they retain their status as the largest party in the Senate. However, the Northarian Marxist Workers' Party made stunning gains, going on to become the second largest party after occupying a small role in the opposition last time around. The two parties have indicated that they wish to work with each other, and to include the smaller Left Green Movement in the new coalition. In other election news, the Traditional Way Union suffered the most proportionally, as most of its voters sat out due to the ongoing investigation into the party leadership and its role in rigging the primary back in April. Overall, this was a very significant shaking up of the established political order. The full results are included below:

Overall Seat Results:

Ruling Coalition (203/300)
SDP: 104/300
NMW: 73/300

Opposition Coalition (81/300)
FLP: 32/300
PP: 30/300
A21: 18/300

Excluded from Coalitions
TWU: 16/300

In addition to these partisan shakeups, two reforms were passed by popular vote. The sixty percent minimum for a vote in the Senate has been struck down by the voters by a very close margin. In addition, the position of Sovereign has officially been voted to be separated from the role of the Chief Executive. In addition, the Sovereign shall now only hold authority over a newly established federacy, but shall act as a figurehead for the nation. New elections for each position shall be held in six months from now. Current Sovereign Veia O'Dalaigh has been selected by the Senate to serve as interim for both positions until the elections are held. For the time being, the Northarian Constitution shall be re-drafted, with the appropriate changes made to it. Citizens may monitor the process on the official government website, under the Government Accountability section.

Greater gandhistan

Ganixa wakes up from her slumber, to see the world at peace and begins to continue the reforms to the Gandhiist faith that her father has entrusted her with.

Greater gandhistan

Our civil rights have only recently taken a hit due to us making way for minority ethnicities in our nation. We will eventually stabilize the situation and our civil rights will return to the agreed upon level.

The Democratic Republic of The Gandhistani Remnant

Greater gandhistan wrote:Ganixa wakes up from her slumber, to see the world at peace and begins to continue the reforms to the Gandhiist faith that her father has entrusted her with.

We welcome the government in the west of Gandhistan back.

The North Sea People's Republic of Greater Eireann

This is the Northarian Central News Broadcast, live from the Capital at 10

"Good evening everyone. I am Mack Kahlenberg, here with an important announcement regarding the future of our government. We were just notified by reporters covering the process at the Capital of a few important developments. The first of these is that the Northarian Marxist Workers Party, the Left-Green Party, and the Social Democratic Union have formed a union party. It was expected that these groups would be in a coalition, but after weeks of discussion between both the parties' leadership and the parties' bases, the three have opted to form one party in order to best safeguard the Revolution, which occurred just over a year ago to this day. This decision comes right after a very good performance by the Northarian Marxist Workers Party in the recent 2022 legislative elections. Calling itself the Northarian United Front, their ideology is a synthesis of all three parties' plans, and has released a brief overview of their ideology on their official website.

Related to this, a new President of the Senate has been elected. Rosa Thälmann, in an internal vote, was named chairwoman of the United Front, and has also been elevated to the position of President of the Senate, the first of these under the new constitution. This was the first action of the new Senate, and the first action under the new constitution. This leads us into the final update from our reporters.

Finally, we have just been informed that the Senate, in a vote dominated by the United Front and even including much of the opposition, has officially voted to ban the Traditional Way Union. This decision comes not only after the party lost a recent court case involving extreme levels of corruption in the leadership, but also after this court case exposed many new ties to the terrorist group Imperial Front. The United Front issued a statement shortly after condemning fascism and O'Hara, and vowing to prevent fascists from ever holding office in the North Sea Realm ever again. We now go to an editorial by United Front member Owen Flanders."

"Hello, I am Owen Flanders. The news of the Traditional Way's banning is a major relief to our nation, which has been plagued by O'Haraism since Padraig O'Hara seized power 100 years ago in a brutal coup. His rule began an era of horrific civil war, destruction, and death, which was only ended by the Popular Revolution of 1947, which established a liberal democratic order. Even though fascism had been defeated, it never left our nation. Former Taoiseach Murdoch MacDuff reenacted many O'Hara-era policies, and presided over a large depression that caused much hardship for the people. Soon after, Jefferson Lee Stevens came to power, and agitated for war with our own allies. Most recently, the O'Haraist terror group Imperial Front, led by O'Hara's grandson, launched a civil war that quickly embroiled the entire world. The Great War truly was the nation's wake up call, and the fact that it took our nation this long to ban this horrific ideology is a black mark on our history. Now that the right decision has been made, we can truly end this awful cycle of violence once and for all, and prevent fascism from rising ever again. Mack?"

"Thank you Mr. Flanders. Perhaps in the future, all Northarians will be able to understand your message.

In addition, our reporters have discovered that the seats are to remain empty until the next election, as a reminder to all of the harm that O'Haraism has brought to our nation. One seat, however, will be given to the Royal County, in order that they have representation in the Senate. The seat shall work similarly to the Anarcho-Syndicalist Commune's seat, where it is guaranteed to ensure fair representation for all.

That is all we have for you tonight. I am Mack Kahlenberg, have a good evening."

The Kingdom of Kingdom of Southern Italy

Greater Eireann wrote:This is the Northarian Central News Broadcast, live from the Capital at 10

"Good evening everyone. I am Mack Kahlenberg, here with an important announcement regarding the future of our government. We were just notified by reporters covering the process at the Capital of a few important developments. The first of these is that the Northarian Marxist Workers Party, the Left-Green Party, and the Social Democratic Union have formed a union party. It was expected that these groups would be in a coalition, but after weeks of discussion between both the parties' leadership and the parties' bases, the three have opted to form one party in order to best safeguard the Revolution, which occurred just over a year ago to this day. This decision comes right after a very good performance by the Northarian Marxist Workers Party in the recent 2022 legislative elections. Calling itself the Northarian United Front, their ideology is a synthesis of all three parties' plans, and has released a brief overview of their ideology on their official website.

Related to this, a new President of the Senate has been elected. Rosa Thälmann, in an internal vote, was named chairwoman of the United Front, and has also been elevated to the position of President of the Senate, the first of these under the new constitution. This was the first action of the new Senate, and the first action under the new constitution. This leads us into the final update from our reporters.

Finally, we have just been informed that the Senate, in a vote dominated by the United Front and even including much of the opposition, has officially voted to ban the Traditional Way Union. This decision comes not only after the party lost a recent court case involving extreme levels of corruption in the leadership, but also after this court case exposed many new ties to the terrorist group Imperial Front. The United Front issued a statement shortly after condemning fascism and O'Hara, and vowing to prevent fascists from ever holding office in the North Sea Realm ever again. We now go to an editorial by United Front member Owen Flanders."

"Hello, I am Owen Flanders. The news of the Traditional Way's banning is a major relief to our nation, which has been plagued by O'Haraism since Padraig O'Hara seized power 100 years ago in a brutal coup. His rule began an era of horrific civil war, destruction, and death, which was only ended by the Popular Revolution of 1947, which established a liberal democratic order. Even though fascism had been defeated, it never left our nation. Former Taoiseach Murdoch MacDuff reenacted many O'Hara-era policies, and presided over a large depression that caused much hardship for the people. Soon after, Jefferson Lee Stevens came to power, and agitated for war with our own allies. Most recently, the O'Haraist terror group Imperial Front, led by O'Hara's grandson, launched a civil war that quickly embroiled the entire world. The Great War truly was the nation's wake up call, and the fact that it took our nation this long to ban this horrific ideology is a black mark on our history. Now that the right decision has been made, we can truly end this awful cycle of violence once and for all, and prevent fascism from rising ever again. Mack?"

"Thank you Mr. Flanders. Perhaps in the future, all Northarians will be able to understand your message.

In addition, our reporters have discovered that the seats are to remain empty until the next election, as a reminder to all of the harm that O'Haraism has brought to our nation. One seat, however, will be given to the Royal County, in order that they have representation in the Senate. The seat shall work similarly to the Anarcho-Syndicalist Commune's seat, where it is guaranteed to ensure fair representation for all.

That is all we have for you tonight. I am Mack Kahlenberg, have a good evening."

We the State of the Kingdom of Southern Italy, Condemn this undemocratic and intolerant move by the NSR, and we encourage them to reconsider giving the seats back to the people who rightfully won them. We will also assist all those who are displaced by the tyrannical move by the Northarian Government in navigating the United States of Southern Italy immigration process so they may get asylum, free from political persecution. Where is the Northaran Protection of Free Speech granted in there constitution, we the State of the Kingdom of Southern Italy Urge Northaria to follow the rule of law.

The Republic of The First Republic of Southern Italy

Kingdom of Southern Italy wrote:We the State of the Kingdom of Southern Italy, Condemn this undemocratic and intolerant move by the NSR, and we encourage them to reconsider giving the seats back to the people who rightfully won them. We will also assist all those who are displaced by the tyrannical move by the Northarian Government in navigating the United States of Southern Italy immigration process so they may get asylum, free from political persecution. Where is the Northaran Protection of Free Speech granted in there constitution, we the State of the Kingdom of Southern Italy Urge Northaria to follow the rule of law.

The United States of Sothern Italy Declines to Comment at this time
The State of The Republic of Southern Italy Declines to comment at this time, wishing only to remark that they hope that the policy does not go over board
The State of the District of Naples Congratulates the NSR
The State of the District of Wei Hai, would like to give a kudos to the NSR for ridding there fascists from the senate
The Non-State Territory of South Italian Africa, has no comment at this time.

The Democratic Republic of The Gandhistani Remnant

Greater Eireann wrote:This is the Northarian Central News Broadcast, live from the Capital at 10

"Good evening everyone. I am Mack Kahlenberg, here with an important announcement regarding the future of our government. We were just notified by reporters covering the process at the Capital of a few important developments. The first of these is that the Northarian Marxist Workers Party, the Left-Green Party, and the Social Democratic Union have formed a union party. It was expected that these groups would be in a coalition, but after weeks of discussion between both the parties' leadership and the parties' bases, the three have opted to form one party in order to best safeguard the Revolution, which occurred just over a year ago to this day. This decision comes right after a very good performance by the Northarian Marxist Workers Party in the recent 2022 legislative elections. Calling itself the Northarian United Front, their ideology is a synthesis of all three parties' plans, and has released a brief overview of their ideology on their official website.

Related to this, a new President of the Senate has been elected. Rosa Thälmann, in an internal vote, was named chairwoman of the United Front, and has also been elevated to the position of President of the Senate, the first of these under the new constitution. This was the first action of the new Senate, and the first action under the new constitution. This leads us into the final update from our reporters.

Finally, we have just been informed that the Senate, in a vote dominated by the United Front and even including much of the opposition, has officially voted to ban the Traditional Way Union. This decision comes not only after the party lost a recent court case involving extreme levels of corruption in the leadership, but also after this court case exposed many new ties to the terrorist group Imperial Front. The United Front issued a statement shortly after condemning fascism and O'Hara, and vowing to prevent fascists from ever holding office in the North Sea Realm ever again. We now go to an editorial by United Front member Owen Flanders."

"Hello, I am Owen Flanders. The news of the Traditional Way's banning is a major relief to our nation, which has been plagued by O'Haraism since Padraig O'Hara seized power 100 years ago in a brutal coup. His rule began an era of horrific civil war, destruction, and death, which was only ended by the Popular Revolution of 1947, which established a liberal democratic order. Even though fascism had been defeated, it never left our nation. Former Taoiseach Murdoch MacDuff reenacted many O'Hara-era policies, and presided over a large depression that caused much hardship for the people. Soon after, Jefferson Lee Stevens came to power, and agitated for war with our own allies. Most recently, the O'Haraist terror group Imperial Front, led by O'Hara's grandson, launched a civil war that quickly embroiled the entire world. The Great War truly was the nation's wake up call, and the fact that it took our nation this long to ban this horrific ideology is a black mark on our history. Now that the right decision has been made, we can truly end this awful cycle of violence once and for all, and prevent fascism from rising ever again. Mack?"

"Thank you Mr. Flanders. Perhaps in the future, all Northarians will be able to understand your message.

In addition, our reporters have discovered that the seats are to remain empty until the next election, as a reminder to all of the harm that O'Haraism has brought to our nation. One seat, however, will be given to the Royal County, in order that they have representation in the Senate. The seat shall work similarly to the Anarcho-Syndicalist Commune's seat, where it is guaranteed to ensure fair representation for all.

That is all we have for you tonight. I am Mack Kahlenberg, have a good evening."

We would like to congratulate such a historic step for the North Sea Realm, and the Union of Socialists and Communists in Gandhistan woulld like to reach out to the Northarian United Front in solidarity and socialist fraternity.

The North Sea People's Republic of Greater Eireann

The Gandhistani Remnant wrote:We would like to congratulate such a historic step for the North Sea Realm, and the Union of Socialists and Communists in Gandhistan woulld like to reach out to the Northarian United Front in solidarity and socialist fraternity.

The Northarian United Front warmly welcomes the Union of Socialists and Communists in Gandhistan in solidarity. Our peoples united will never be defeated!

Kingdom of Southern Italy wrote:We the State of the Kingdom of Southern Italy, Condemn this undemocratic and intolerant move by the NSR, and we encourage them to reconsider giving the seats back to the people who rightfully won them. We will also assist all those who are displaced by the tyrannical move by the Northarian Government in navigating the United States of Southern Italy immigration process so they may get asylum, free from political persecution. Where is the Northaran Protection of Free Speech granted in there constitution, we the State of the Kingdom of Southern Italy Urge Northaria to follow the rule of law.

In regards to the so called "concerns" of the Kingdom of South Italy, what can we say but point out how wrong this allegation of being "anti-democratic" truly is. Are you aware, Mr. Luciano, that the party that we banned, if given power, would openly end democracy as we know it in our nation? In addition, if given power, are you aware that many Northarian citizens would find themselves at the end of a gun simply because their parents were not born in our land? Not even to mention that this party would end our democratic economic model and orient it back towards corrupt plutocrats such as Jefferson Lee Stevens and Michael McConnell. In contrast, it was one of the most democratic actions we could have taken, and the guarantee that this harmful ideology shall not come to power and erode the rights of us all has in fact safeguarded Northarian democracy.

You raise concerns of freedom of speech. However, we have not jailed or even fined anyone over this action. We have merely prevented an ideology from taking power, the same ideology that would in fact ban any criticism of the state if they held power. There is freedom of speech in the North Sea Realm, yes. These people have been criticising this move even before it happened and no punishment has happened to them. However, there is a difference between the right to speak freely, and the right to be listened to. There is no such right to be listened to, especially on such a platform as the Senate, which holds power over people's lives. Finally, every society has reasonable guidelines on particularly speech in public. One cannot, and rightly so, advocate for the extermination of everyone in the immediate area without immediately attracting police attention, and being told to cease their use of these words in public.

Overall, this "concern" comes across as less genuine concern over the rights of the people involved, and more of a political power play from a state that supported fascism during the war, and even retained the wartime fascist puppet leader Miccio Macconello as a national representative. In regards to the fascist apologia from the Kingdom of South Italy, where is your shame? Where is your concern for the rights of the millions of people that were murdered at the hands of fascism, simply for the "sin" of existing as the "wrong" kind of human in the "wrong" place? Where is your concern for the mass-curtailing of rights that took place in fascist-occupied territories? Why are the perpetrators of these atrocities the ones that you appease and virulently obsess over the well being of, why do you join with them even now in stomping their victims into the cold dirt? Shame on the Kingdom of South Italy, shame.

The First Republic of Southern Italy wrote:The United States of Sothern Italy Declines to Comment at this time
The State of The Republic of Southern Italy Declines to comment at this time, wishing only to remark that they hope that the policy does not go over board
The State of the District of Naples Congratulates the NSR
The State of the District of Wei Hai, would like to give a kudos to the NSR for ridding there fascists from the senate
The Non-State Territory of South Italian Africa, has no comment at this time.

We would like to thank the people's states of Naples and Weihai for their support, and we assure the Republic of South Italy that we will not "go overboard" on our policy, which is simply designed to guard the rights of all kinds of Northarians from one group rising up and taking rights away from all.

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