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The blood ravens

He also got rid of a pedo. One less pedo in the world is good.


@ Lodricar: That's exactly what I said. I would pin him down, knock him out or something then check my daughter. I wouldn't kill him.

@ Blood Ravens: One less pedo is good, but we should refrain from killing them. If you meet a pedo out on the streets and you kill him. Nothing justifies your actions unless it was self-defense.


@ Xynath: I do agree with you that marijuana should be legalized and that it's the person's choice. I also think legalizing marijuana would provide many benefits too. Also, marijuana isn't even that harmful. Look at all the other drugs we have and how horrible they are.

The blood ravens

He was defending his daughter.

And under justifiable murder it says you are allowed to use lethal force to prevent a felony in progress I.E murder, rape, robbery

The blood ravens

A non-criminal homicide, usually committed in self-defense or in defense of another, may be called in some cases in the United States. A homicide may be considered justified if it is done to prevent a very serious crime, such as rape, armed robbery, manslaughter or murder. The assailant's intent to commit a serious crime must be clear at the time. A homicide performed out of vengeance, or retribution for action in the past, would largely not be considered justifiable.

The Pirates of Xyanth

To Deadlights911:

Let me point out the part of the story that says that he did not intend to kill the perp: "In the course of trying to get her away from him, and protect her, he struck the subject several times in the head and the subject died," Harmon said.

I think that pretty well sums up what the rancher was trying to do. If I were him that would be my story and I would be sticking to it. No where does it indicate the suspect was restrained prior to his loss of consciousness.

Lodricar is right. Giving that father anything more then a stern look would send the wrong message. There is more then enough reason for people to look the other way in the country without adding the fear of being arrested to it.

I have no problem with cloning anything. The only caveat to that is that when used on humans, the science must be demonstrated to be reasonably free of problems. Right now cloning works, but the cloning process does no reset the biological clock, sometimes called the bio-time-bomb. (I want to welcome all the fine people from DHS that just joined this conversation.)

When they cloned Dolly the sheep, the clone died a very early death because the cells clock was already partially through the life cycle.

When those processes are perfected, then have at it.

To The blood ravens:

Doesn't Texas have some kind of "Stand your ground" or castle law? That would almost certainly cover the rancher. Clearly a physical threat to a member of his family existed at the time.

Geraldo Rivera and I rarely agree on anything. But one day, a few years ago they were discussing guns and home defense. Geraldo said, "If someone breaks into my home or goes after a member of my family, that is a capital offense."

There are a large number of states that agree with that point of view. I consider that a healthy attitude.

The blood ravens

It's Texas bro.

Of course they do.


Alright I guess the rancher was justified.

But now to the "Stand Your Ground" law... what are your guys' opinion on the law?

The blood ravens

It's a good law.

Why shouldn't you be able to defend your family with lethal force.



Being able to defend your family with lethal force is a common law. The Stand Your Ground laws however state that if the victim feels like their life is in danger they are allowed to kill their "offender" with equal or stronger force.

So many people have mis-used the law. Look at George Zimmerman for example. It promotes vigilante justice.

The majority of offenders who are killed are usually unarmed. People have killed other people in bar fights and have gotten away with it.

Don't you think we should at least amend the Stand Your Ground law in some way?

The blood ravens


I didn't read anything about trevon martin case because people thought it was racial profiling

And as you can see from the previous topic you don't need a weapon to kill

The blood ravens

Views on slavery?
Although it is very unethical it gets -Blam! done


You didn't counter my attacks.

If you're mad that I say, stole your girlfriend, so you then punched me in the face. Am I justified to end your life with a gun?

The blood ravens


There needs to be a amendment to were they need to threaten your life but without a witness you're SOL.

The blood ravens

But I would be charged with assault and battery.


*To be an amendment to where

Yeah, killing them just because they threatened you isn't enough. The offender also needs to act upon it for the killing to be justified. I agree there should be a witness.

Also, see why Stand Your Ground laws can be flawed?

The blood ravens

But not having them is worse.

I mean if someone is going to shoot you and you can't kill them that would be horrible.


But we're just getting rid of the Stand Your Ground laws. Common self-defense laws would still be in place.

The blood ravens

It would be better to make the amendment then to completely remove it.

What if you were being mugged on the street.


It depends on how they were mugging you.

Some people like Stand your Ground laws, but I prefer the normal self-defense laws in my state

The blood ravens

They usually have a knife or gun

Okay new topic: Was the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki justified?


Hiroshima was.

But not Nagasaki.

The blood ravens

Appearently the second one was due to a translation error.

The emperor said something it was translated wrong then we bombed them...

The article is on cracked it was 6 translation errors that changed the world


In my opinion, Stand Your Ground is a great law. The Trevon case was blown from the tree (get it?) into the water in racial profiling, therefore nothing major was done in the ways of making it do good.

Nagasaki/Hiroshima were also justified, IMO. It stopped the Japs from doing much more stupidity to their country and it also stopped the murder of millions of ours and their own. Think about it: killing a couple hundred thousand against a few million.


A bit off-topic, I like what's happening to the Black Riders. Go check out the Council.

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