- 3
Codex: Gakupo (Head) Heukchibun Sannatra of the Hyonwang Keisatserei (Spiritual Cleansing Department)
- 1
Codex: Tohku (General) Heukchibun Jeung-dohan - Officer General of the Anhui Hyoheigun (Immortal Guards) wip
- 2
Codex: Rohkudrama and Shibentei Animation
- 2
Codex: Songunmindang Party
- 3
Codex: The Sister Republics
- 1
Codex: Uigyeoul Nhu (The Small Disagreement)
- 2
Music to Listen to in the Background
- 2
Codex: Rohkugeuks
- 4
Codex: National Revolutionary Army of Rohkusen wip
- 8
Codex: Erni-hoku Kawateitsu (Two Tigers Taming the Rivers)
- 12
Codex: The Republic of Rohkusen
- 3
Codex: Hana na Cheongso (Burning Rotten Flowers to Plant Millions More)
- 2
Codex: Tsukai Code
- 5
Codex: President Heukchibun Kyoichiro